Bathroom border tape: a simple but reliable way to seal joints

Bathroom curb tape is the most affordable and fastest way to seal joints between plumbing fixtures and other surfaces. It has exceptional performance characteristics; the highest quality raw materials - elastomer - are used for its production. Produced not only by Russian, but also by foreign manufacturers. Butyl adhesive is applied along the entire length of the tape, which helps prevent peeling. The composition includes fungicidal substances that prevent the development of fungi and mold.

Installation of plumbing in the bathroom requires a large number of sealed connections.

Main characteristics

The border tape has a plastic structure, thanks to which it adheres well even to uneven wall surfaces. High-quality fixation is ensured by a special applicator on the edges of the product. When used, the tape is at an angle, which ensures that water falling on it drains into the bathroom. Throughout its entire service life, the bathtub tape retains its flexible, strong structure, does not get wet or crack.

Bath border tape

To install the tape, a complete set of materials is purchased, which consists of:

  • curb tape rolled into a roll;
  • special knife for cutting;
  • corners (they are available in sets with curly ribbons);
  • applicator.

Border tapes are available in a wide range in construction stores and specialized markets. Prices for the most popular curb models are shown in the table:

ManufacturerDimensions, mmCost, rubles
MakroPlast LWE20x340520
MakroPlast LWE30x340700

Preparatory stage before gluing

Without it, all your efforts may be in vain. Therefore, you should follow these instructions when working:

  1. The first step is to clean the surfaces on which the curb tape will be applied. If this is not done, the quality of fixation will be poor, water will be able to seep through, and the tape will come off very quickly. Remains of glue, if any, should be removed, old sealant and anything that gets in the way.

  2. After which the cleaning of the bathtub and wall is completed by degreasing. It is enough to apply the substance to a cotton swab and wipe the entire area. It is prohibited to use turpentine for degreasing!
  3. All you have to do is wait for the surface to dry. This will take several minutes, since alcohol and acetone are volatile substances that evaporate quickly.
  4. The final stage of preparing the bathtub for gluing is gluing masking tape to it and to the wall. It is needed to protect sections of the wall and bathtub from sealant.

This completes the preparation. You can begin installing the border strip.

Installation steps

The process of installing adhesive tape is quite simple. You can cope with it without outside help. This is especially true for borders with an existing adhesive layer. The whole procedure will take no more than an hour. In some cases, more time may be required to prepare the surface.

Preparatory work

The most important part of the instructions for installing curbs is the preparatory work. If you make a mistake at this stage, the reliability of the glued tape will be extremely low. You should approach your work as responsibly as possible.

Preparing the surface is not that difficult. If there is old tape stuck on it, it should be removed by removing any remaining sealant. The surface of the bathtub and the wall where the border will be glued must be degreased with an alcohol solution, diluted soda or a gentle cleaning agent.

After this, you will need to wipe the surface with a thick cloth or dry it with a hairdryer. It is better to use the second option, as it is more reliable.


Before gluing borders, you need to make sure you have all the tools and materials. Without them it will not be possible to complete the work. In addition to borders, you should prepare:

  • mounting knife;
  • roulette;
  • masking tape;
  • pencil;
  • sealant;
  • putty knife.

If you use regular tape without an adhesive layer, you will need to additionally purchase acrylic sealant or glue. They will be used to connect the border to the wall and the bathroom.

Cutting strips

A very important step is cutting the strips. The adhesive tape must match the length of the tub and its width. You need to measure the necessary parameters and mark the cut locations. When cutting the tape, keep in mind that it should be 2 cm longer than the curb of the bathtub. Also, after this, it should be bent along the fold line and the lower corner should be cut off at an angle of 45°.

This is interesting: How to align the corners in the bathroom - we present it in detail

How to choose a bathroom seal between a bathtub and tiles

Before choosing a corner for a bathtub, it is worth deciding not only on its type and material, but also on other criteria.

Before purchasing a sealant to seal the joints between the bathtub and the tiles, you should take all the necessary measurements


  1. Width. To do this, the joint is measured, and only after that can the selection of the desired product option be made.
  2. Colors. It is selected depending on the color of the tiles and the overall color scheme of the room.
  3. Quantity of material. It is worth noting that there is no need to purchase a large amount of tape, since the product has its own specific shelf life.

If you need to replace a certain part of the canvas, for example, due to deformation, then it is easier to carry out a complete update. In terms of costs, restoration will not be too expensive, and given the fact that the product can last a long time, the bathtub will not lose its proper appearance for at least 2 years.

Which border tape to choose

Self-adhesive tapes are made primarily from synthetic polymers, due to which they differ in the necessary performance characteristics: moisture resistance, elasticity, resistance to temperature changes and household chemicals. Manufacturers apply a butanol-based adhesive to the back surface of the tape. The shape of the borders can be angular or curly. They go on sale in the form of rolls, complete with an applicator and sometimes a construction knife.

Installation of curb tape for the bathroom

Curved borders should also be equipped with a pair of corners.

When choosing a border tape, pay attention to several important nuances

Width. A tape that is too narrow may not be enough to cover the seam, and if it is too wide, the bathroom will look sloppy. The length of the material in a roll is usually within 3.5 meters. This is quite enough to cover a rectangular bathtub on three sides, and an asymmetrical or corner bathtub on two sides, respectively.

But in any case, it is better to take all measurements in advance. There can be a wide variety of color options, but white remains the priority for manufacturers, so other shades often have to be searched for or purchased to order. Few people pay attention to the fact that curb tape has a shelf life, which, as a rule, does not exceed two years. When the material is stored in an unacceptable temperature range or the packaging is damaged, the self-adhesive layer dries faster.

This is interesting: Carpet on the floor

Installation technology

The tape should not be installed on a damp bathroom surface - it may not adhere well or peel off very quickly. Therefore, it must be mounted on a dry, clean wall degreased with acetone. The procedure is quite simple, a little similar to working with tape.

For ease of use, the tape is rolled up and, gradually removing the protective layer, applied to the seam.

Types of border tape

Colored options for adhesive tape

Bathroom sealing tape is made of polyethylene and does not have any design variations as such. But for ease of selection, this material is conventionally divided into types according to a number of external features and installation technology. These signs include:

  • Product width. Adhesive tape for the bathroom has a range of sizes in width so that you can choose the appropriate material for a specific seam thickness. In the vast majority, the kit includes a strip 320 or 350 millimeters long. There are tapes in widths of 20, 40 and 60 millimeters. This length is quite enough for the sealed border tape for the bathroom to completely cover three sides of a standard font, the length and two end sections.
  • Product color. Most tapes are made white by default, but in large plumbing stores you can find a wide range of different colors. Colored border tape for the bathroom allows you to choose the material to match the color of the interior or as close as possible to it.
  • Installation method. The vast majority of products are manufactured with a self-adhesive surface, which allows the tape to be mounted without additional adhesives. But there are models that do not have an adhesive side and such a sealing tape for the bathtub is mounted on neutral silicone or acrylic sealant.
  • Decorative design. It is rare to find products on sale that have figured trimming or even decorative embossing, but such figured border tape for the bathroom is not particularly popular due to its inflated cost.

The differences described above can be called conditional, but it is necessary to know them in order to select the appropriate model for a particular case. You can see what waterproofing tapes look like in the photo in the article.

Reasons for use

The main condition for the absence of excess moisture and fungus in the bathroom is careful sealing of all seams and gaps into which water can leak. Often, gaps remain when installing a bathtub close to the walls of the room due to a mismatch between the size of the model and the room. To seal this seam, depending on its width, use silicone sealant, curb tape, ceramic or plastic corner, and moisture-resistant solution. If you leave the seams unspecified, the following unpleasant consequences will occur in the bathroom:

    Excessive humidity. When using a bath or shower, water will get into the gap between the container and the wall, causing a puddle to form on the floor that won't dry out.

Note! Mold on the seams and wall cladding in the bathroom is not just a cosmetic defect that spoils the appearance of the room, it is a serious violation of sanitary standards. Spores spread by the fungus enter the human lungs, making breathing difficult and causing allergic reactions.

Types of border tape

In the manufacture of self-adhesive tapes, predominantly synthetic materials are used. Thanks to this, bath borders have the following technical characteristics:

  1. Elasticity.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Resistant to household chemicals.
  4. Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

These are the main criteria when choosing material for bathroom cladding. Many manufacturers are engaged in production, so the choice should be approached responsibly. Study reviews and choose curb tape only from trusted suppliers.

Three rolls of border tape

Bath borders are supplied to the market by the manufacturer in the form of rolls and have an adhesive composition on the back side. Also included is a special applicator, with which you can easily highlight the joint angle. If we talk about varieties of products, then you need to understand that they are absent.

Here are a few key points that make the self-adhesive border a little different:

  1. Form. The tape can be angular or figured. The figured tape has a middle longitudinal sector, on which there is no adhesive composition.
  2. Width. The width should be selected depending on the size of the gap formed.
  3. Length. Rolls of 3.5 meters are usually sold. This is enough to cover a bathtub, but it’s better to take measurements before purchasing.
  4. Colors. According to the standard, the tape always comes in white. However, in specialized stores you can find border tape in pink, turquoise, beige and other shades.

The border tape can be made in different colors.
These are the main differences that this product can boast of.

Before purchasing, make sure that the border tape is designed to seal the seam between the bathtub and the wall

If you are interested, then you can read the recommendations on choosing a bimetallic radiator.


Manufacturers offer a fairly large assortment of seals for the bathroom, because the quality of sealing depends to a large extent on the correct selection of the tape for specific conditions. The following classifications of borders for sealing joints are distinguished:

  • By width. The width of the sealing tape can range from 1 to 6 cm. Narrower models do not close the gap well, so they are effective only with a small gap width. Wide tapes insulate the seam well, but do not look as aesthetically pleasing.

    Width difference

  • By the number of folds. Notches are applied along the entire length of the sealant, making it easier to bend the tape to seal joints between vertical and horizontal surfaces, as in the case of a seam between a bathtub and a wall. There can be 2 or 3 notches, depending on the type of angle.
  • By color. The border for sealing joints on a self-adhesive basis is produced in white, pink, blue, green, and purple. Pastel shades are considered more popular, but you can order a wide variety of colors.

    Color range

More experienced craftsmen recommend choosing a sealing tape so that its width is 0.5 cm greater than the width of the seam. This selection principle allows you to correctly determine the curb needed to fill the gap.

Characteristics of border tape

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of different decorative disguises for such gaps. Among them, bathroom border tape has become quite popular. It is an adhesive-based strip made of polymers. This material is highly resistant to various persistent chemicals and acids. In addition, such decor is hydrophobic and does not contribute to the emergence of harmful microorganisms on its surface.

This is what self-adhesive bathroom curb tape looks like

This sealant is affordable and easy to install and dismantle if necessary. In addition, the material has a rich color palette and looks very attractive throughout its entire service life.

The scope of application of polymer strips is very wide. They can be used in almost any room with different functional purposes. Therefore, when purchasing a product, check where you plan to use it. In the bathroom, border decors can be used to decorate the seams between the walls and any plumbing fixtures, including shower boxes and washbasins.

The product is produced in small rolls about three meters long.

The product is released in bundles. The length of one such roll is about three meters. In this case, the thickness and width of the decor may vary. The entire back surface of the strip is impregnated with butyl adhesive, which will allow it to be hermetically installed on the problem area. The material itself is quite hygienic, although for reliability it is impregnated with antifungal additives, which prevent the occurrence of mold at the joint seams.

Among the polymer analogues presented for these purposes, decorative borders will be the best choice. Other plastic skirting boards will not be able to resist the proliferation of fungal microorganisms as effectively. As for the complete sealing of the joint with tiles or porcelain stoneware, such an undertaking will require lengthy work and certain skills in cladding. In addition, this material will cost significantly more, and will require additional measures to seal the seam.

How to glue border tape for a bath: video and photo

Before starting work, in addition to purchasing the tape, you need to check the availability of the following items:

Before starting work on installing the tape, it is advisable to bring the room temperature to 10 ° C

  • degreasing agents, this can be any solvent, acetone or ammonia;
  • silicone sealant;
  • gun for sealing seams;
  • masking tape;
  • scissors;
  • hair dryer (an ordinary household hair dryer will do);
  • lint-free fabric.

It is important to bring the room temperature to 10 °C before work, because it is under such conditions that the glue dries completely faster. The entire installation process is divided into several stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • gluing the material;
  • checking the quality of work performed.

At the first stage, before gluing the border tape in the bathroom, you should carry out preliminary work, namely, prepare the wall and side. If the old tape is dismantled before installation, be sure to completely wash off any remaining adhesive and thoroughly clean the surface using any degreaser other than turpentine. After this, you need to let the surface dry thoroughly.

In order to avoid having to subsequently clean the walls and sides of the bowl from silicone sealant, it is recommended to first close them with masking tape. Before gluing the curb tape in the bathroom, a sealant is applied into the gap using a mounting gun, which, if desired, can be further smoothed with a spatula.

To prepare strips of the correct length, a roll of tape is completely unwound according to the size of the plumbing fixture and cut in the right place. In this case, for reliability, it is better to leave a small allowance - 1-2 cm. If you watch the video “How to glue border tape in a corner in a bathroom”, you will notice that in order to obtain a neat joint, gluing begins from the long end.

Helpful advice! To give the material greater elasticity, it is recommended to pre-heat it using an ordinary hair dryer.

During installation of the curb tape, it is not separated from the protective strip immediately, but gradually, in order to avoid mistakes during gluing. It is recommended to open 10-15 cm. During operation, the tape is carefully applied to the gap and pressed. When applying, you should not stretch the material, because in this case it will not be possible to install the border tape carefully. It is better to simply smooth and press firmly on the strip, while constantly monitoring the fit to the surfaces, especially in the area of ​​tile joints.

When installing curb tape, the protective strip is not separated immediately, but gradually

If you look at materials demonstrating how border tape is glued in the corners of the bathroom, you can see that the tapes are glued one on one overlapping, after which the adjacent part is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. You should cut right from the corner. For better quality work, some experts prefer to use corner strips for bathroom curb tape.

The final stage of gluing, useful installation tips

After installing the tape, you should not rush to use the bathroom; it is better to prevent the possibility of water getting on the curb within 24 hours. This time is enough for the adhesive mixture to dry completely and ensure a reliable connection between the surfaces and the product. After a day, you can carefully check how well the installation was done. To do this, you need to move the tape a little to the sides. If it does not move, then the work can be considered high quality.

If you find areas of poor quality fixation, you can try using a thin brush to apply a little construction adhesive to the inside, and then firmly press the glued area to the surface. Upon completion of all work, you need to carefully remove the masking tape.

The reasonable price of curb tapes and their reliability have contributed to the widespread use of this material among users. In this regard, you can find a large number of useful tips that allow inexperienced owners to avoid mistakes:

You can apply a little construction adhesive to places with poor fixation and press the glued area firmly to the surface.

  1. Do not use tape whose packaging is damaged, deformed, or leaking.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to preparing the surface, because if there are protrusions or remnants of old glue, a high-quality joint will not work.
  3. 24 hours after installing the tape, water and detergents will not affect the quality of the adhesive. It is after this time that the strips can be cleaned of dirt or sealant residues.
  4. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the intended purpose of the product, because, for example, “Country” border tape is intended for gardening work. It is distinguished by its black color and less elasticity. This option is not suitable for sealing seams.

Border tapes for bathtubs are considered the cheapest and easiest way to avoid water drips behind the bathtub. Installation of the product is accessible to every owner, and there is no need to buy any special tools or expensive products. In most cases, gluing (including preparation) will not take more than 3-4 hours. Using tape is not considered a long-lasting option, but the ease of installation allows you to improve the appearance of a room when needed.

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Installing the tape at the joint

First apply the tape and measure the required lengths

In order for the waterproofing tape for the bathroom to serve for a long time, it is necessary to strictly follow the sizing technology. To better describe the process, we will provide step-by-step instructions and at the end of the article we attach video material that will show everything clearly. So, the installation process looks like this:

Bathtub adhesive tape is laid starting from the longest section of the joint. To do this, we measure the segment we need by leaning it against the long section and cut it off with a utility knife.

It is very important here that the adhesive tape for the bathroom is measured without tension, otherwise you will end up with an uneven edge. Then we bend the border tape in half along the entire length of the segment so that its adhesive side is on the outside. Then we remove about 5-6 centimeters of the protective film from the adhesive surface and glue it clearly to the joint, starting from the corner. Then unroll the tape and, using a rubber spatula or finger, press the remaining parts to the surfaces as firmly as possible

The harder you press, the stronger the silicone bathroom tape will be glued to the joint. After the first section (5-6 cm) is glued, remove another 3-4 centimeters of the protective tape and glue it again. And so on along the entire length of the segment.

Installing mounting tape at the joint

  • In the same way, measure and glue the remaining sections of the joint. In places of corner joints, pasting is carried out overlapping the previous layer.
  • At the end of the pasting, the bath border tape is cut at the corners with a stationery knife at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the depth of the cut should affect both tapes, after which we leave it all for 24 hours for the material to completely shrink.

If after 24 hours you find that the tape around the bathtub has come off in some places, then most likely these places were damp or not sufficiently degreased. In this case, you can glue these areas using liquid nails or any other high-quality glue. If you use a wide curb tape for the bathroom, then it is advisable to install it at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees, and also avoid low temperatures during the shrinkage of the material throughout the day.

After reading the material presented in the article, you already know how to install polyethylene or silicone tape for bathtubs and will be able to carry out the installation yourself.


Features of the technology

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) curbing allows large gaps, but is sensitive to panel unevenness. Differences between tiles of more than 1 mm per 50 cm cannot be compensated by the flexibility of the plank; the resulting tension will cause tearing. A rigid profile should be used, and the gap should be filled with an adhesive.

The technical process is determined by the adopted approach, the type of edge, and the features of design solutions. There are two fundamental disagreements:

  • The need to seal the gap between the side and the panel.
  • What surfaces to mount on?

Proponents of sealing the gap argue that water is likely to seep under the plastic, especially as it ages and becomes damaged. However, significant volumes of liquid can get into the gap only with deliberate watering and the edging coming off.

Opponents of sealing claim: accidental moisture under the baseboard quickly dries out if the gap is open and there is sufficient ventilation. Closing the gap impedes air flow, water stagnates, blooms, an unpleasant odor and mold appear.

The principle of ventilation of the space under the bathroom.

If there is a solid lining of the bathtub at the front, which interferes with ventilation, the first option is acceptable. Such finishing is undesirable for reasons of hygiene and maintenance.

Adherents of complete insulation attach the curb to the side and the wall at the same time. This solution gives satisfactory results with a hard cast iron bath. Steel, and even more so acrylic samples are deformed, the rim begins to come off. It is preferable to attach it only to the wall; the flexible border will not allow water to pass through and compensates for movement.

Mounting options.

A number of external skirting boards have one plane suitable for fastening, which confirms the correct fixation to the wall. Prefabricated varieties snap onto a strip attached to the partition. Internal modifications are installed by inserting a shelf under the tile or into a gap; the latter is not feasible if the gap is filled.

Fixation on flange.

Composite version for outdoor installation.

Internal variety.

Installation under ceramics.


Check out the indicative list of what you need:

  • Liquid cleaning degreaser, inert to parts. Acrylic is wiped with alcohol and white spirit.
  • Cotton rags, sponge.
  • Masking tape.
  • Glue: universal MS-polymer, aquarium sealants are effective; neoprene “liquid nails”. Silicone without additives turns yellow and is affected by fungus!
  • Grout for seams.
  • Marking supplies: tape measure, pencil.
  • A ruler or level at least 50 cm long.
  • Knife with replaceable blades.
  • Miter box when there are no ready-made connectors.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • File, sandpaper.

"Silicon Problems"
Follow standard procedures:

  • Clean, wash, degrease, dry the panels and side.
  • Apply masking tape around the perimeter, above and below the profile being installed, spacing 2 mm.

    We apply masking tape.

  • Level the tile facing by covering the seams with grout or sealant. Check the fit for clearance using a level or the edge of a ruler. Deviations from flatness and straightness are allowed no more than 2 mm per 1 m (1 mm / 50 cm).

    Checking the fit.

General rules: hard plinth is chosen for a wide gap, smooth wall; PVC structures with rubber edges are functional on embossed tiles.

Sealing the gap

The controversial statement says: installing a baseboard on a bathtub requires sealing the gap, therefore:

  • The narrow gap is filled with sanitary sealant; acrylic compositions adhere well to acrylic plumbing fixtures.


  • A gap of 5 to 10 mm is insulated with a moisture-resistant tile mixture containing polymer additives.
  • Waterproof polyurethane foam solves the problem with a “size” of up to 50 mm, reliably adheres to metal, wood, ceramic tiles, there is no adhesion to silicone. Consider a threefold increase in volume after polymerization.

    Polyurethane foam.

The natural desire to immediately glue a plastic plinth onto the foam is a mistake: polyurethane, expanding, can press out the profile, and it will not be possible to fix it tightly. In all cases, stop work until the filler has completely hardened. After 24 hours, cut off any foam that appears.

The above applies to the “swallow” profile. The gap is left for structures that are inserted by the shelf over the side; strong fastening is guaranteed by the width of the latter being more than three gaps.

An alternative process technology eliminates gap filling operations. The rest of the preparation is similar.

Practitioners advise attaching a wooden beam (galvanized profile) treated with hydrophobic, antiseptic impregnations along the walls below the side, which serves as a support for the tank, formwork and filler. The solution is reinforced with nylon mesh.

Beam under the side of a cast iron model.

Wooden frame for an acrylic tank.

Consoles from shaped steel.

Filling with mortar with mesh reinforcement.

Significant distances require the construction of a frame sewn with gypsum fiber sheets.

Read more: how to seal a large gap between the bathtub and the wall.

Cutting, installation

After taking measurements, the workpieces are cut with a small allowance for adjustment. Factory-made corner links allow you to get by with straight cuts, otherwise a miter box that sets the slope of the ends will be useful. Remove burrs with sandpaper.

Trimming in a miter box.

They try on the elements, arrange them in their places, and finally adjust the length and connections. With a complex tray configuration, the plastic is bent by heating with a hairdryer.


The type of plinth and installation method determine the nuances:

  • When tiling the shower room, it is convenient to fix the baseboard in the tile mixture, placing a shelf under the tile. Temporary installation of a bathtub will help you maintain the exact installation level.
  • The border, placed over the side, is glued to the wall.
  • For prefabricated modifications, the mounting strip is glued level to the panel.
  • “Swallow” models are glued to the partition and side, for acrylic - only to the wall.

Assembly sequence:

  • Glue the purchased corners first (if you have them).
  • Apply glue over the border support planes in a snake or a couple of solid lines.

    Apply glue.

  • Install the part, press along the entire length, running your hand, hold until initial setting.

    We press

    Make sure the lock is fully closed.

  • Remove excess sealant with a rag and white spirit.

    We remove unnecessary things.

  • Load the corner until it sets.
  • Wait for it to harden according to the instructions.
  • Snap the end caps into place.
  • Remove the tape.
  • Check the quality, if you find a defect, carefully pry up the edge, coat the area, and press down.

Video lessons:

The main advantages of using border strips

Border tape is the most affordable and easy-to-install material. Numerous consumer reviews speak of the advantages of this method of joint sealing. Here are their main advantages:

  • Affordable price.
  • Quick installation. Anyone can glue it.
  • Reliable sealing of seams.
  • Due to the fact that the adhesive composition is applied over the entire surface of the tape, it adheres perfectly to the surface of the side of the bathtub and the wall.

  • It does not wrinkle under loads, it is resistant to various damages and impacts.
  • It has a high degree of plasticity, it bends perfectly at any angle, and no cracks form on it.

The disadvantages of the material include its fragility. Unlike ceramic curbs, which can last for decades, a flexible bathtub curb will need to be replaced after 2-3 years. However, due to the affordable price and ease of installation, the need for replacement will not create any special problems.

Decorative rims for bathtubs

The connection of the bathtub to the wall is not always too tight and there remains a small gap that must be closed. It is worth laying a special seal around the bathtub, which is not difficult to purchase and can be purchased at any store that sells construction and finishing materials.

More professionally, this seal is called a side. It can be made of polyethylene, plastic, ceramics.

Decorative rims for the bathroom may vary in shape, color and size

Processing a bathtub with each of these types of materials has its own characteristics and disadvantages, which you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing, so as not to get a result that cannot satisfy and meet expectations.

A detailed study of each model will allow you to make a more correct choice:

  1. Polyethylene self-adhesive tape is the most common option by which you can seal the joint. It is perfect for the bath, as it is resistant to high humidity, and installation can be done independently and will not take too much time. As a rule, a special rubber or plastic spatula is included with the tape. It is with its help that installation is carried out.
  2. Plastic border is more popular. This product is considered both a decor and a finishing material. It is aesthetic, beautiful and allows you to remove the opening between the bathtub and the wall. The product is not too expensive, it can be quickly installed and does not require special training. This plinth allows you to make high-quality repairs in a minimum amount of time and at minimal cost. On sale you can find many variations in shape, size and decor.

Before installing the corners on the bathtub, you need to prepare the parts, as well as special corner elements. It is quite possible to purchase ready-made components. Such kits are a little more expensive, but working with them is as simple as possible.

Types of border tape

Colored options for adhesive tape

Bathroom sealing tape is made of polyethylene and does not have any design variations as such. But for ease of selection, this material is conventionally divided into types according to a number of external features and installation technology. These signs include:

  • Product width. Adhesive tape for the bathroom has a range of sizes in width so that you can choose the appropriate material for a specific seam thickness. In the vast majority, the kit includes a strip 320 or 350 millimeters long. There are tapes in widths of 20, 40 and 60 millimeters. This length is quite enough for the sealed border tape for the bathroom to completely cover three sides of a standard font, the length and two end sections.
  • Product color. Most tapes are made white by default, but in large plumbing stores you can find a wide range of different colors. Colored border tape for the bathroom allows you to choose the material to match the color of the interior or as close as possible to it.
  • Installation method. The vast majority of products are manufactured with a self-adhesive surface, which allows the tape to be mounted without additional adhesives. But there are models that do not have an adhesive side and such a sealing tape for the bathtub is mounted on neutral silicone or acrylic sealant.
  • Decorative design. It is rare to find products on sale that have figured trimming or even decorative embossing, but such figured border tape for the bathroom is not particularly popular due to its inflated cost.

The differences described above can be called conditional, but it is necessary to know them in order to select the appropriate model for a particular case. You can see what waterproofing tapes look like in the photo in the article.

Technology of use

Using a tape border to waterproof seams in a bathroom is quite simple. Even a person without construction experience can cope with this task. In addition, provided that self-adhesive models are used, no additional tools or materials are required for installation. The seal is glued using the following technology:

    First, the surface of the tiles and bathtubs on which the tape will be glued is prepared for work. To do this, they must be thoroughly cleaned, degreased, and then thoroughly dried.

Please note that after gluing the tape to waterproof joints in the bathroom, it is better not to use water for 24 hours so that the glue adheres properly to the surface of the tile and the fixation becomes reliable.

How to make the right choice

In addition to its functional function as a sealing object, the tape also has a decorative function. It gives the bathroom a finished look; shaped, colored products increase the attractiveness of the interior. When choosing a suitable tape model, you need to evaluate several characteristics:

  • width of the product - if there is a large gap, you should not purchase the narrowest model with a thickness of 2 cm, it may not be enough. An overly wide model may not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, you should purchase a self-adhesive border with a width equal to the width of the joint with a margin of approximately 10-15 mm;
  • the standard length of the product does not exceed 3.5 m. For bathtubs of classic shapes, one roll is enough to seal joints on three sides, for corner, asymmetrical models - on two. If the font has non-standard dimensions, then more than one roll of tape may be required;
  • colored, figured models have a more attractive appearance, but are rarely found on sale. The classic white color with a smooth texture will suit any interior.

What is a bath border?

The main purpose of a bathtub curb is to protect the joint between the sanitary ware and the wall from moisture getting inside. Stagnant water can cause the appearance of fungus, mold, and insects. Therefore, in the manufacture of border tape, exclusively water-resistant, water-repellent materials are used.

Self-adhesive tape is made from polyvinyl chloride, which is resistant to acids, alkalis, and mineral oils. PVC is used in the manufacture of wallpaper, refrigerator seals, and various building materials. The water resistance of PVC and its resistance to temperature changes ensure airtight, reliable sealing of the joints between the wall and the bathtub. The products contain fungicides that prevent the development of mold and also repel insects, such as ants, which are sometimes found even in residential buildings.

The inner side of the border is usually treated with butyl glue, which prevents spontaneous peeling of the tape throughout its service life. Butyl glue is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.


The main criterion by which borders for bathtubs and sinks are chosen is the material of manufacture.

Polyethylene border tape for sinks and bathtubs

Reliably seal the holes from moisture. They are easy to use and cheap compared to other materials. There is a wide range of border tapes of different widths, lengths and colors. The tape has a self-adhesive base, so even a child can handle gluing such a border.

A significant disadvantage of such a border is its fragility. Such curbs are usually used as a temporary solution to the problem. If you want to extend the life of the curb tape and provide more reliable protection from moisture, you can additionally use a sealant under the tape. However, even with this method of use, the tape will last you several months, no more.


The next longest lasting curb is a plastic curb. Made of very practical and at the same time inexpensive plastic, such a border is securely attached to the bathtub and wall using special glue. At the same time, plastic borders are very light and do not weigh down the structure; they are easy to install and easy to clean. They go well with any materials. However, such borders also have their drawbacks - the plastic can fade and darken over time, it is easily scratched, and soon you will also have to replace it.


It should be matched to the tiles used in the bathroom. Such borders are much more durable than those described above and can serve you for decades. Ceramics provide good sealing and are durable in themselves. However, you need to be careful - if installed incorrectly, the ceramic border may crack.

Installation of ceramic borders requires the use of special equipment and certain skills.

A natural stone

Such borders certainly require an appropriate interior. Marble and granite borders are almost eternal, but in a small bathroom lined with ordinary ceramic tiles, they will look ridiculous. They are quite bulky and require certain skills during installation.

Positive and negative aspects of the material

Self-adhesive curb tape for the bathroom leaves mostly positive reviews from users. After all, such decor has many advantages. The main advantages of this material are:

  • affordable price;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • versatility;
  • good resistance to loads and mechanical damage;
  • sufficient strength and hygiene;
  • attractive appearance.

Related article: How to choose fasteners

All of the above properties are not an exhaustive description of this decor, but explain its popularity. In addition, polymer sealing strips are resistant to moisture and high temperatures, which is so important for their use in the bathroom. They are very flexible, so they can be used not only on rectangular, but also round bathtub configurations. At the same time, the joint line looks impressive and neat.

An important nuance will be the possibility of installing the tape yourself. This does not require special knowledge or experience of similar work. Even an ignorant person in construction who does not have a professional set of tools can reliably seal the joint.

The resistance of this product to chemicals so often used to clean bathtubs has also received excellent reviews. The top layer of coating does not react with aggressive elements. Accordingly, it does not lose its aesthetic appearance and functionality throughout its entire service life. In addition, even with minor damage to the surface, the tape will remain firmly attached and will not delaminate.

Any owner can easily apply such decor

Of course, with all the undeniable advantages, these decorative stripes also have negative characteristics. The first thing that should be mentioned is the fragility of such material. Manufacturers usually provide a one-year warranty on the product, although in some cases, with careful handling, the tape can last up to five years.

The second negative property will be the possibility of reacting with acid-based substances. This can lead to the loss of the original attractive appearance and even the border coming off. Therefore, you should not abuse such products when cleaning the bathroom.

In a word, closing the gap with self-adhesive tape is an effective and reliable, but temporary measure. Although, given the affordable cost of the material, it will not be difficult to periodically replace the old decor with a new one.


Border tape is a special means for sealing seams, which is a long strip of polymer base, impregnated on one side with a butyl adhesive. It is sold in rolls up to 3 meters long. One package of this sealant is enough to seal the seams between the bathroom and the walls. Self-adhesive border tape has the following properties:

  • Moisture resistance. The polymers from which the sealant for seams in the bathroom is made is not subject to the destructive effects of moisture. In addition, the sealing tape does not absorb water and repels it.
  • Chemical resistance. The material from which the seal is made withstands the effects of aggressive household chemicals used to clean the bathtub.
  • Stable adhesion. Thanks to the adhesive butyl layer and the active adhesion it has, the seal is firmly fixed on any type of finishing material.

Seal the joint between the bathtub and the tiles: modern methods

You can make the seam (shelf) between the bathtub and the wall airtight yourself, without special equipment, without contacting a specialist.

To seal the joint between the bathtub and the tiles, you should choose a material that will fit harmoniously into the interior

Each type of sealing has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you must pay attention to:

  1. It is quite possible to cover the seam with cement. The option is cheap, practical and simplest. Before applying the composition, you need to clean the area around the edge of the bathtub and tiles or, in other words, degrease. In addition, you need to wet the surface of the materials, so that the applied composition dries evenly. If you need to connect the edge of the bathtub and the wall through a wide opening, you can additionally use tow to prevent the mortar from flowing down the wall.
  2. Finishing a seam with tile grout is used very rarely, as it is suitable for sealing a seam no larger than 3-4 mm in size. It is strictly not advisable to use acrylic grout for a bathtub, but it is acceptable if the tiles are laid immediately from the side of the bathtub.
  3. Docking using polyurethane foam is carried out if the gap is very large. Before foaming, you need to clean the surfaces of the walls and plumbing.

As soon as the foam dries, you need to remove the excess using a stationery knife. Foam is resistant to deformation, but there are also disadvantages. They consist in the fact that the foam inside is porous, which means that after cutting off the excess, there will be an edge that can absorb moisture. To avoid this, you will need to treat it with varnish or paint.

Seams need to be sealed correctly, and experts believe that a sealant based on silicone or acrylic is perfect for this. They both allow you to make the finishing of the adjacent space as durable, airtight and, most importantly, aesthetically pleasing as possible. The downside is that you can seal a gap measuring 1-5 mm.

Benefits of using border tape

Using curb tape to seal joints in a bathroom is a common option as it is a cheap and easy method. Bathroom border tape has a short service life and does not tolerate the presence of acidic silicones. The polyethylene from which border tape is made has many advantages.

The advantages of curb tape include the following factors:

  • low cost of material;
  • ease of installation;
  • neat appearance;
  • reliable protection against moisture;
  • the material tolerates temperature changes well;
  • prevents the development of mold and mildew;
  • perfectly hides uneven joints;
  • does not crack under shock loads;
  • not exposed to household chemicals;
  • has an optimal balance of flexibility and rigidity;
  • high ductility (easy to fit both on rectangular joints and on curved planes).

Border tape is supplied in the form of compact rolls.
A number of enterprises around the world are engaged in the production of these tapes. They create high-quality moisture-resistant material that meets sanitary standards. This cladding element is supplied to the market in the form of compact rolls in the manufacturer's packaging.

When to use self-adhesive bathroom curb tape, consumer reviews

During renovations, some owners install the bathtub bowl as close to the wall as possible, after which they believe that there is no need to seal the seams. This statement is completely incorrect, because in any case, small gaps remain through which unnecessary moisture will penetrate under the plumbing fixture. Most plumbers consider it necessary to seal seams whose width is 1.5 mm or more. This is explained by the fact that it is precisely such cracks that become places where drops of water constantly penetrate, albeit in small quantities.

Installation of the tape does not take much time and does not require significant financial costs

Important information! Fungus and mold not only spoil the attractive appearance of any bathroom, but also cause an unpleasant odor, and in some cases provoke the development of certain health problems, including respiratory diseases and allergic reactions.

A properly selected bathroom seal helps not only protect your health, but also save time on cleaning the room due to the fact that you don’t have to constantly clean out fungal spores, which have an unattractive black color. Moreover, installing the tape in most cases does not take much time and does not require large financial costs.

The construction market does not stand still: new materials are constantly being developed to simplify repair work. Plastic border tape is a convenient device that provides high-quality sealing and prevents water from entering large gaps and even small cracks. According to reviews, curb tapes have a number of advantages:

Border tape has such advantages as reliability, ease of installation, resistance to damage, low price

  1. Affordable price. The average price of a bathroom border starts from 300 rubles. It all depends on the selected parameters.
  2. Reliability. If the installation rules are followed, the use of the material guarantees a reliable seal between the wall and the bathtub.
  3. Convenient installation. Thanks to its high elasticity, the curb can be laid not only on a flat surface, but also on a curved surface.
  4. Easy to install. The material is fixed on a ready-made adhesive base, which makes it possible to quickly and easily apply it yourself without the involvement of a specialist.
  5. Good stability. Adhesive tape for the bathroom has good resistance to mechanical damage. Even with targeted impacts, no holes or depressions are formed on the curb.
  6. Easy care. The product does not require any special care or use of specific cleaning agents. For cleaning, it is quite enough to use a standard detergent for washing plumbing fixtures. It is only important not to use aggressive abrasive compounds and hard brushes.
  7. Moisture-repellent properties. A properly installed tape prevents water from accumulating on the sides of the bathtub, shower stall or sink.
  8. Environmental Safety. The material does not contain toxic elements that can harm health.
  9. A wide range of. A large number of products on trading platforms will help you choose the best option (from a constructive and aesthetic point of view). It is possible to purchase border strips for bathtubs in various shades, shapes and sizes.

The right bathroom curb tape helps prevent mildew and mold.

The main disadvantages of self-adhesive bath tapes

The basis of all sealing tapes is PVC film, which is durable and particularly elastic. Even so, constant exposure to particulate matter may cause damage and scratches. In addition to the advantages, the products also have some disadvantages that are not significant, but nevertheless you need to know about them before starting installation work.

Among the main disadvantages of waterproofing tapes for bathrooms is their short service life. In most cases, the service life will depend on the characteristics of care, the intensity of use of the bathroom and the quality of ventilation provided. The average service life ranges from one to three years, which is significantly less than other types of borders, for example, those made of plastic or ceramic tiles used for the main decoration of walls.

The disadvantages also include the difficulty of replacing a damaged tape with a new one. In addition to purchasing new material, which entails certain financial costs, you will have to make physical efforts and acquire certain skills. To replace, you not only need to remove the self-adhesive curb tape, but also get rid of any remaining sealant on the wall and surface of the bathtub. To perform this procedure, it is recommended not only to clean and degrease the surfaces, but also to correctly select the optimal sealant, because the adhesive composition on the tape is not used in conjunction with acidic silicones.

Important! If you apply silicone with an acidic composition to the surface before gluing the border tape, the material will not only peel off, but also lose its shape.

The main disadvantage of bathroom border tape is its short service life

Disadvantages include a limited choice of colors. Most of the products are presented in pastel colors: most often it is white, which is considered the most common color for bathroom decoration. If you need to install black, gray or colored tape, you will most likely have to contact your distributor to order custom fabrication.

And yet, despite the listed disadvantages, in a situation where it is necessary to reliably and quickly seal the joint at minimal financial and physical costs, the best option is self-adhesive curb tape for the bathroom.

Preparing for installation of curb tape

Preliminary sealing of a wide seam with sealant

Before gluing the tape to the bathtub, a number of preparatory work is required to ensure the proper level of adhesion and reliable waterproofing. The fact is that the curb tape for the bathtub is not installed over a gap that exceeds 2 millimeters; such a gap must first be sealed. Further steps to prepare the surface are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Preliminary sealing of the seam. Many craftsmen, before gluing the tape to a bathtub with a large gap, initially seal it with acrylic sealant or tile adhesive. This is necessary because if there is a void under the curb, it can be easily damaged by pressing with a finger. In addition, this free space without proper ventilation will become a source of mold.
  • Surface cleaning. Self-adhesive bathroom tape requires a perfectly clean and grease-free surface; only in this case is a tight fit and complete insulation of the joint guaranteed. The joint must be cleaned of dust and dried well using a hair dryer or a hair dryer.

Once all these steps have been completed, you can begin installing the bathroom curb.

Important. If the tape does not have a self-adhesive surface and a special adhesive solution is included with the product, then installation of the border tape on the bathtub is carried out after preliminary priming of the joint area

In some cases it is impossible to avoid sealing the seam between the bathtub and the wall

If you don’t want to change your favorite tiles in the bathroom, but the gap between the wall and the bathroom is in the way, border tape will come to the rescue. In addition, it is impossible to install a sink or bathtub perfectly without a gap between the plumbing and the wall. This depends on the evenness of the walls and the ideal shape of the objects.

When installing a bathtub, a gap remains between its side and the tile lining or decorative plastic through which water can flow.

If a gap up to 2-3mm wide is formed, it is simply sealed with sealant. A much worse option is when the gap is 1 cm or more. In such cases, you cannot do without a special plinth (made of plastic or ceramic) or border tape.

Border tape for a bathtub is an effective way to eliminate puddles on the floor, wet walls, fungus and mold.

But if the gap is more than one centimeter, tape alone will not help. First, it will be necessary to seal it with tile adhesive, then treat it with a special solution, and only after complete drying can the tape be installed.

The material hermetically seals the joints and has good decorative properties.

Installing adhesive tape for the bathroom is a simple process; even a housewife can handle it. But to do this, you need to understand the intricacies of choosing a quality product and familiarize yourself with the installation rules.

Plumbing curb serves as a reliable sealing material that prevents water from entering the gaps.

How to properly glue border tape to a bathtub: the correct technology and sequence of work

The process of gluing the material is carried out as follows:

  1. Initially, you should take measurements and mark on the tape the size of the edge of the product, making an allowance for the corner joint, if any.
  2. The cut part of the material must be folded in half or along the visible creases with the glue side facing out. To increase elasticity and make installation work more comfortable, you can additionally warm it up using a hairdryer.
  3. According to the rules, it is necessary to paste the tape in the corners, then along the length and, last of all, along the width of the bathtub, gradually removing the protective coating.

Note! If you need to glue two corners, then first of all you need to install a larger section, then the corners and then the remaining section.

  1. Next, you need to gradually separate the protective strip 12-15 cm from the adhesive layer so that you can apply it to the joint in time, pressing tightly against two surfaces, but initially against the bathroom.

Important! When laying the material, do not allow it to stretch, only pressing it against the smooth walls. In addition, in the process of gluing the border tape, it is necessary to regularly monitor the quality of the fit, which is especially important when installing it on uneven surfaces, seams and tiles with various defects.

  1. The material in the corner of the bathtub should be laid on top of each other, fixing it to the wall, and the border on the product should be cut at an angle of 45°. Next you need to glue it to the bathtub by removing the protective coating.

It is recommended to avoid getting water under the tape for 24 hours, and if after this time it is possible to identify places with inadequate adherence to the tile seams, it is required to paste it using liquid nails or sealant.

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