Repairing an acrylic bathtub - how to repair a crack, renew it, restore it yourself

Acrylic bathtubs are very popular now. In one of the articles we once listed all the advantages of such baths. But they forgot to mention one more. Which? If it breaks, you can fix the bath yourself.

The “injuries” that an acrylic bathtub can receive during its life can be very different.

These could be burns. For example, out of old habit or ignorance, one of the household soaked the laundry in the bathroom. And part of the coating changed color, reacting with the cheap components of the powder. Or someone lit a cigarette in the bathtub, left a cigarette butt on the side, and lo and behold, a small burn appeared.

Or they forgot and washed their four-legged friend in the bathroom and he left scratches on the acrylic. Or they dropped something heavy and a crack appeared. What else could it be? Chips, holes, acrylic layer coming off, etc.

That is, the “ injuries ” of an acrylic bathtub are different. We describe how to deal with each of them in this article - Repair of acrylic bathtubs.

And in this article, let’s look at just one situation separately - how to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub? Why is a whole separate article devoted to cracks? Because it's very common. Many people face this situation.

How to use acrylic bathtubs correctly?

Several models of polyacrylic products are produced. The main difference between them is the quality of the top layer. It should not be destroyed under the influence of mechanical loads and chemicals. If the product is covered with acrylic 5 mm thick, then its service life is 25 years. Thickness below this limit results in reduced durability. Such bathtubs will last no more than 10 years, subject to operating rules.

The basic rules are to protect the surface from excessive mechanical stress, and not to treat it with chemicals and reagents. It is necessary to wash the bathtub using special detergents that are made from non-aggressive substances and oxidizing agents. The acrylic bathtub should be wiped with a sponge that does not contain any hard elements. It is not recommended to place heavy bulky objects near acrylic products, or to place metal containers in it.

Acrylic bathtubs are not intended for bathing pets. For many of them, this process causes fear, so extended claws can cause damage to the surface. Compliance with these simple operating rules will help maintain the durability of the polyacrylic product. During this time, no repair work will need to be performed. However, troubles do happen and damage of varying degrees occurs on the surface:

  • minor damage and scratches;
  • areas with chips;
  • cracks;
  • holes;
  • destruction of plastic elements.

To perform repair work at home, you must have a special tool. In addition, you need to listen to the advice of experienced craftsmen.

How to prevent breakdowns of polymer plumbing?

When using acrylic products, it is necessary to observe certain conditions, ignoring which you may subsequently encounter the need for repairs:

  1. The melting point of acrylic is 150°C, because of this it is highly not recommended to pour boiling water into a bathtub made of this material in order to avoid deformation.
  2. It is not recommended to place basins in bathtubs made of acrylic in order to avoid the formation of chips and cracks.
  3. To prevent the formation of cracks and other mechanical damage in the bathtub, you should avoid dropping heavy objects into it.

Unfortunately, many users ignore plumbing “signals” about an approaching accident:

  1. The creaking of an acrylic bathtub indicates that the plumbing was initially installed incorrectly or that the bottom and walls of the device are quite thin. But there are ways to eliminate this nuisance.
  2. If the acrylic bathtub sags, you can place bricks or blocks under its base. This method is suitable for those who have a bathtub covered with a plastic screen. This solution will reduce the load on the inner surface of the bath and prevent the appearance of cracks.
  3. Look at the acrylic bathtub in the light; if it is translucent, it is bad. But if you nevertheless purchased such a product, do not be upset, it can be enhanced with the help of latex paint, which is applied to the surface using the pouring method. This will strengthen the surface of the bath and prevent the appearance of various defects.

Many people wonder how long can refurbished plumbing last? If the restoration is done with high quality, then such products can last from 2 to 5 years. Considering the fairly low price for this work, this is quite profitable.

An acrylic bathtub can be restored with almost any type of damage, so there is no need to quickly get rid of old equipment. Almost any person whose hands grow from the right place can restore the former integrity and original appearance of an acrylic bathtub with their own hands. The most important thing is to read the instructions, have the necessary materials and tools on hand, and naturally do not be afraid of physical work.

Modern technologies have not bypassed various plumbing products, such as bathtubs. Thus, acrylic tanks have replaced outdated cast iron baths.

The products are lighter, retain water temperature well, and are easy to install. Therefore, they are very popular among consumers.

But, like any other plumbing fixture, an acrylic bathtub is not immune to various defects: scratches, chips, cracks. If you encounter such a problem, there is no need to rush to the store for a new bath, because you can fix the problem yourself. Having knowledge of the technology for performing restoration work, you can cope with this on your own.

Repairing minor scratches

During long-term use, the surface of an acrylic bathtub loses its appearance. There are a lot of scratches on it. This repair can be easily done by yourself. For this purpose, special polishing agents are used. The damaged area is wiped with a soft cloth. This must be done carefully so as not to damage other places. After completing the preparatory work, a polish containing small abrasive particles is applied to the area. It is rubbed over the entire surface, which allows you to get a smooth area. With the help of additional products you can achieve shine. On the market, such substances are sold as a set and allow you to quickly repair an acrylic bathtub. After applying the wax polish, wipe the area with a soft rag and let the surface dry. To restore shine, use a polish that does not contain abrasives.

Features of gluing block and extruded plexiglass

Extruded and block plexiglass behave differently when gluing:

  • block organic glass belongs to high-molecular compounds, so it is poorly affected by pure solvents. For gluing plexiglass of this type, it is advisable to use polymerizable adhesives: the strength of the seam in this case reaches 75% of the strength of the base material. The optical characteristics of the seam are such that the product can be used outdoors without damaging its appearance. Adhesive varnishes behave well: during the drying process, the solvent from their composition evaporates slowly, giving enough time for the polymer to swell in the adhesive joint. Parts made of organic glass connected in this way are almost completely devoid of internal stresses, and, consequently, no tendency to crack. When gluing block plexiglass with varnishes, preliminary annealing of the parts is not required (except when connecting pipes);
  • extruded (low molecular weight) plexiglass is glued together either with the same polymerizable adhesive or with adhesives in the form of solutions. But this type of material requires preliminary annealing at a temperature of 60-80 degrees Celsius.

Using liquid acrylic

This substance is used to repair chips and large scratches. It is best to purchase a ready-made restoration kit:

  • reducing agent;
  • device for uniform application of the product;
  • polish for surface treatment to add shine;
  • several rags;
  • napkins.

Before starting repair work, the area of ​​the chip is expanded. This is done so that the product is evenly placed on the area. This can be done using a mounting knife. This must be done with careful movements. The area is wiped with a soft cloth, degreased and sanded with sandpaper. Next, liquid acrylic is applied. Important! The liquid must completely cover the surface. The application technique is similar to wall putty. After the product has hardened, it is necessary to apply polish to add shine. The color of the restored area may vary. This can only be noticed when additional lighting is turned on, aimed at the fragment.

Repairing a chipped ceramic sink

It is possible to repair a chip on the sink yourself using specialized sealants or putties. For reliable results, you should perform the following actions:

  • clean the damaged surface;
  • dry the repair area;
  • dilute the ceramic putty according to the directions on the package;
  • apply fastening material (putty) to the chip site so that it protrudes beyond the edges (the putty will dry out);
  • let the putty dry;
  • sand with fine-grained sandpaper until smooth;
  • Paint the seam with the appropriate color, and remove excess paint from the surface with acetone.

How to repair cracks and holes in an acrylic bathtub?

Carrying out such repair work yourself is quite difficult. Large cracks are sealed using liquid acrylic. Before performing any manipulations, several holes should be made on both sides of the crack. Their goal is to prevent the crack from getting bigger. The result is a high-quality, strong and reliable connection. Fixing a hole that appears in an acrylic bathtub is much more difficult. It is necessary to dismantle the structure and turn it upside down. Such manipulations are difficult to perform alone. In addition, this should be done carefully so that new holes, chips and scratches do not appear.

Before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to prepare the surface - clean, degrease and wipe dry. Cleaning is carried out using sandpaper, and degreasing the surface with a solvent or special substances. Next, a piece of fiberglass is placed over the damaged area. It should completely cover the hole. Such repair pads are sold in a hardware store in the department for repairing acrylic bathtubs. The piece of fiberglass is fixed using epoxy resin adhesive. The hole must be overlapped. After the glue dries, the acrylic bath is turned over to its original position. While work is being performed, a forced ventilation system must be used. Other manipulations are performed from the washing container. The area is cleaned with fine sandpaper, degreased and filled with liquid acrylic. After drying, the surface is polished with a wax and wait until completely dry.

What to do if an acrylic bathtub delaminates?

During prolonged use, bubbles may appear on the surface of the acrylic bathtub. This occurs due to paint peeling off from the fiberglass sheet, which serves as reinforcement. Carrying out repair work related to delamination differs from previous ones. The resulting bubbles must be blown off with a needle. A special epoxy glue is drawn up with a syringe and applied under the coating. Next, the repair area is pressed until the composition dries completely.

After finishing the work, the fragment is covered with liquid acrylic and polished with a wax agent. This is done so that the area does not differ from all baths. You can carry out any repair work related to acrylic bathtubs yourself. To do this, you need to purchase special glue, liquid acrylic and other means. After drying, the surface is treated with polish to add shine. All work must be performed in compliance with all technologies.

Acrylic bathtubs have gained immense popularity. Their advantages are low cost, high quality of the product, ease of installation and low weight, unlike cast iron. An acrylic bathtub can last a long time with good care. To prevent scratches from appearing on the surface, it must be washed with a soft sponge or rag. The use of aggressive chemicals is prohibited. They can cause peeling of the coating and other defects. Correcting them will require time and money. Anyone can handle this procedure. The main thing is to know the right technology and use only high-quality materials.

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