How to decorate a bathroom in Provence style - original simplicity for a good mood

A Provence style bathroom creates an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort, filling the room with light and soft warmth. When developing a design, it is important to decide on a color palette and choose finishing materials. This will allow you to decide on a color that is pleasing to the eye and accessories that will harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room. This design option is not suitable for the bathroom of a city apartment; rather, it will fit perfectly into a country house.

Provence will create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom, filled with comfort and warmth.

Distinctive features of the Provence style

A bathroom decorated in Provence style has a certain rustic decor, with simplicity and grace at the same time. The interior is definitely dominated by light, light shades with flowers and other floral and natural patterns. For a small room, this design is difficult to reproduce; in this case, it is better to consider a connected bathroom.

This is a provincial style, so it is characterized by lightness and simplicity

The lighting in the room should be bright and warm. The presence of natural light is very important; it is advisable that the room has a wide window that allows a large stream of rays to pass through.

In such an interior, you should avoid metal taps and accessories made of stainless steel and plastic.

Choosing a spacious room

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Provence is famous for its open spaces, and this is reflected in the bathroom space. Its area should be large. Or the feeling of a spacious room is created by an abundance of light, light walls and ceilings, and a minimum of furniture. The air needs to circulate freely, be fresh, preferably with the smell of meadow flowers and lavender - a symbol of the province.



Provence style details

A Provence style bathroom requires special attention to detail. Try to make decoration from natural materials and give preference to simple textures.

The interior in the Provence style is based on sunny colors, colored patterns and floral patterns.

The walls can be lined with ceramic tiles or wood panels; painting in pastel colors with paint or decorative plaster is also suitable. Walls treated with stone, stucco, and brick look ideal.

The tiles should only be matte; the glossy version is unacceptable. Decorative plaster should be laid out with unevenness and roughness, and stonework is best combined with a porcelain stoneware floor. In a country house, a rustic-style bathtub would look very nice: a lot of woodwork combined with a floral print and greenery.

Priority is given to wood and vintage interior elements

All accessories must be made of stone, glass, wood and ceramics or other natural material. Such details will give maximum closeness to nature, which is conducive to relaxation.

Provence for the bathroom:

A Provence style bathroom is the most suitable place for relaxation. Calm color combinations, plenty of light, natural materials and things dear to the heart create a special cozy atmosphere. We have collected photos that show various options for decorating bathrooms in this beautiful direction. Its beauty is that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the rules; it is enough to use stylized elements and basic recommendations to get a design close to the original.

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Color spectrum

A Provence-style bathroom is usually filled with warm and pastel colors. Mainly used are white, cream, pink, lavender, olive and pearl. These shades relax as much as possible, relieve tension and immerse you in a wave of serenity and enjoyment of tranquility.

Light warm colors will add comfort to the bathroom interior

You can use bright colors in details and decorative elements that will add cheerfulness to this haven of peace.

Decorate the walls in soft colors: pearl, gray, Tiffany, sand, beige and pink. Gray in bathroom decor can be the main color that goes with any other shade of the color palette.

The walls can be painted, wallpapered, tiled or covered with decorative plaster

If you choose white, bright and rich accessories will look impressive. Such a room will have a feeling of lightness and freshness. Curtains made of natural linen and cotton with floral patterns will fit perfectly into the decor.

Style Description

The color scheme of the style is always in pastel, slightly faded colors. Nature itself serves as the palette - lavender fields, plowed dry soil, sun glare on sandstones, terracotta stones, gray and white shades of marble. The natural shades of the color palette are determined by the materials used. Marble, ceramic tiles, painted or natural treated wood are preferred when decorating a bathroom. The ceiling is always white, set off by several wooden beams.

Provence style, like no other, demonstrates love and care for the home.

Semicircular bathtub lined with mosaics
Bathroom walls are not always tiled around the entire perimeter - ceramic cladding can only be near the bathroom and occupy the area near the washbasin. But this is not an absolute rule, because the rule for style is the preservation of the heritage of generations and a selective attitude towards new acquisitions.

Mediterranean design

Brick walls painted in light colors, wooden floors and plumbing fixtures that have served several generations of the family will look organic in a Provence style bathroom. Faucets, hangers, shower holders are welcome in copper or brass colors. French Provence is not characterized by the bright sparkle of chrome parts.

Combination of white and blue

Provence style in a small apartment

In a small apartment, like a Khrushchev-era apartment, where there are very few square meters. m., the Provence bathroom style has its own important features. First you need to decide on the color in the room. To visually expand the space, you should abandon dark and cold shades. If you use purple and blue tones in the decoration, the room will become even smaller, they will absorb a lot of light. Pastel and burnt powder colors will make the room airier and more spacious.

Vertical stripes on the bathroom wall will visually raise the ceiling of the room

It is necessary to abandon a large number of accessories and items that clutter the place. Vases, figurines and pots will be superfluous in such decor, but a laundry bag under the sink will fit quite well.

Choose light wallpaper or tiles with small patterns. The bathtub and sink should be of a simple shape, preferably built-in. A shower stall would fit ideally into such an interior.

Plain light tiles will expand the boundaries of a small bathroom

Considering these recommendations, you can turn your bathroom into a paradise of relaxation, where you will receive aesthetic pleasure and take a break from the drabness of everyday life.

Adaptation of Provence for an apartment

Let's be honest: it's 2020 outside the window and any classic style is an imitation . Nobody demands from us a historically accurate imitation, and we owe nothing to the style of Provence or France.

Then let's make a bathroom with elements of Provence style and adapt it for an ordinary apartment, where there is no window in the bathroom and the area is small. And we don’t have servants either.

First, we replace the freestanding bathtub with a regular rectangular one and cover it with tiles. This will already make the bathroom suitable for cleaning, will significantly simplify your life and save your budget. By design, the bathroom will not suffer much from this. Can be replaced with a shower.

Because We have a bathroom without a window, but for Provence it would be necessary, mirrors will replace it for us. You can make doors in the form of mirrors within frames. You can even close pipes like this. Well, why not. There is still no France outside the window, let there be a sewer. =)

We are making more closed storage areas to completely hide all items that do not correspond to classical styles.

We hide the washing machine and boiler completely from view, perhaps behind textiles.

We either lower the cabinet floor with the sink completely to the floor, or hang it, or choose one with legs higher so that it can be cleaned underneath.

We choose a wall-hung toilet with an installation - they also come in a classic style. Much more practical than floor-mounted. Read more about the design of bathrooms with toilets.

You can already live with such a bathroom, even if it does not 100% correspond to the Provence style. By the way, if you have a small bathroom, then consider the option of designing it in a Scandinavian style; it is more modern and practical, and is close to Provence in spirit and atmosphere.

How to decorate a bathroom in Provence style in a small apartment

Since this trend prefers spacious rooms, it is cramped in typical city apartments. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of decorating your bathroom in your favorite style. If you resort to certain tricks, even a tiny room will acquire a French flavor.

You will have to give up unnecessary items that do not perform any function. Do not overload the space; it is better to leave only the most necessary furniture. For decoration, it is recommended to choose light shades, since dark ones hide the space. Tiles on the walls or floor should be medium in size with a discreet small pattern or plain.

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Hanging open shelves and cabinets with distinctive finishes will create the right atmosphere. Wicker baskets for linen and cosmetics will complement the recognizable look.

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Even in a small bathroom you can put a tiny ottoman in the main finishing color. In addition to ease of use, it will give the interior a homely feel.

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Features of finishing a bathroom in the Mediterranean Provence style

Decorating the bathroom can be simplified with whitewashed boards, plaster and a brick wall. However, in a small bathroom it is worth using ceramic tiles with a floral print or floral design. The main background should be pastel: light blue, light green, beige, white. Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of tiles in various colors: from the color of a sea lagoon, green grass to the glare of sunlight.

When decorating a bathroom in Provence style, it is advisable to use natural materials

Rules for finishing the room

Provence style does not tolerate artificial finishing materials. Here natural wood, stone or, in extreme cases, high-quality imitation are used. Ceramic tiles are not welcome, but given the specifics of the room, it may well be. Let's take a closer look at individual design elements.

Wall decoration

You can choose different options for wall decoration. Traditionally, for an interior in the Provas style, they choose to paint over plaster or masonry, brick or stone. Such deliberate simplicity gives the bathroom a special charm. If the walls are plastered, there is no need to achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

Small irregularities, roughness and defects will fit perfectly into the provincial style and emphasize its originality. The masonry also cannot be perfectly smooth. Seams that are slightly different in size and slightly protruding cladding are welcome.

The prepared walls are painted in pastel colors, imitating traditional whitewash. It is very good that the coating emphasizes the texture of the surface, which will make it even more embossed and expressive.

Another traditional option for wall decoration is wooden panels.

It can be a board or lining. In any case, we must not forget that the bathroom is a room where the humidity is seriously increased. Therefore, before installation, the wood must be treated with special moisture-repellent and antiseptic compounds.

The walls in the bathroom can be decorated with wooden panels, and any direction of the planks can be chosen. Upon completion of installation, the wood is painted in a suitable tone

The panels can be laid longitudinally or transversely. Any of the options does not contradict the style. But you should not varnish the wood. It must be painted, choosing a tone suitable for the overall design. Keeping in mind high humidity, many people choose ceramic tiles for wall decor.

It must be admitted that in general this is contrary to style. However, this contradiction can be leveled out. For example, choose a matte finish in light colors. The grout for the joints is selected to match the tile so that the wall is visually as monochromatic as possible, or the cladding is laid in a seamless manner.

Ceiling decoration

The traditional option for finishing the ceiling surface in the Provence style is plaster painted in light colors. The advantages of this method are obvious: the use of natural materials, low price and the possibility of application in any room.

However, when deciding on such a design, you need to remember that traditional leveled plaster “will not work” here. A Provençal ceiling should be textured, uneven and embossed to give the impression that it has been covered with plaster many times. It is optimal for the heterogeneous color to further emphasize the texture of the “antique” ceiling.

Another traditional Provencal style ceiling design option is decorative beams. They are made from natural wood or imitate it. Easier to install and, by the way, lighter in weight, which is important, plastic false beams. Like plaster, the elements do not have to be even and smooth.

They should be distinguished by a rustic texture and uneven processing, as if keeping traces of the plane or ax that hewed them. The color of the beams can be very different: from light brown or greenish to a dark, almost black tone.

Provençal style does not accept lavish decor, but a small amount of stucco on the ceiling is quite acceptable. A wrought iron chandelier will fit perfectly into the interior

Despite the simplicity of the Provencal style, in some cases the ceiling can be decorated with stucco. True, it is extremely important to observe moderation here. A narrow molded edge around the perimeter will be quite enough. Moreover, for a wet room, it is best to replace the molded parts with polyurethane foam imitation, which is very easy to glue and can be painted.

The plastered ceiling can be painted. For painting, it is best to choose floral ornaments or floral motifs

The color scheme is selected from shades that imitate paint faded by time or faded by the sun. Painting should not be overused.

As an option, you can consider finishing with boards laid a little sloppily with small gaps. The wood must be painted a light, most often white, color. It would not be amiss to remind you that before laying and painting, the board must be treated with an antiseptic and water-repellent composition.

Among modern finishing methods, we can recommend a suspended ceiling. It does not quite fit into the Provençal style, but it is well suited for the bathroom. In order to comply with the style as much as possible, you should choose only light matte models. Bright photo printing and paintings are unacceptable.

How to make a floor correctly?

Traditional "Provencal" floors are made of planks. They can be unpainted and retain a natural tone, but in this case the lightest wood is selected. In addition, the boards can be painted in the color most suitable for the decoration of the room.

You need to understand that wood is far from the best option for finishing the floor surface in the bathroom. If you still decide to lay boards on the floor, it is best to select wood of special moisture-resistant varieties, for example, puinkado or teak. In any case, you should not forget about special processing of the material.

For a wooden bathroom floor in a Provencal style, you need to select special moisture-resistant wood species, otherwise the flooring will not last long

Despite the fact that the Provence style is not friendly with ceramic tiles, they will be the best choice for finishing the floor in the bathroom. If you choose the right texture and color of the cladding, the interior style will not suffer at all. The correct solution would be two options:

  • Tiles imitating natural wood. We try to choose light-colored materials; an interesting solution is bleached wood. If possible, we choose the highest quality imitation.
  • Matte tiles without a pattern. Light shades are preferred. The grout for the seams should be as close in shade as possible to the color of the cladding so that the seams are less noticeable.

And one more nuance: when choosing tiles for finishing the floor surface in the bathroom, do not forget that it should be rough. A slippery surface in the bathroom is unacceptable - it is too dangerous.

Doors and windows

Entrance doors must be made of wood, massive and even somewhat rough. Imitation is, of course, possible, but only high-quality. One of the main elements of the interior is the window. It is impossible to imagine a Provencal style bathroom without it.

The window can be large, the so-called door-window, through which you can go outside, or small, but certainly divided into small cells. It must have a wooden frame; the shape of the glass varies. It can be square, rectangular or with a rounded top.

A window is an indispensable attribute of a Provence style bathroom. Its distinctive feature is the division of the window opening into several cells. If there is no window in the room, you will have to imitate it

If you are decorating the bathroom of a private house, you must make a window in it. This way all style canons will be observed. In apartment buildings, solving this problem will be much more difficult. In standard apartments there is usually a small window between the kitchen and the toilet.

If you combine the bathroom and decorate the frame accordingly, it can be used as a full-fledged window in the bathroom. For a room with blank walls, we can recommend using a false window. Most often this is an imitation with LED backlighting and a curtain.

How to choose tiles for a bathroom in Provence style?

To create a French style, you should choose ceramic tiles in the following shades:

  • lavender;
  • pearl;
  • soft pink or blue;
  • olive;
  • beige;
  • white.

Cold and warm shades will create the most comfortable environment in the shower.

Ceramic tiles with tiles are perfect for finishing a bathroom in Provence style.

The decoration should be completely free of flashy and bright colors, because the root of the style is natural materials in calm tones. But you can use a bright ornament, for example, highlight one zone with a bright floral print. Checks, stripes, and panels with a marine or plant theme are suitable for decoration. These zones should fit harmoniously into the overall background of the interior.

You should not use glossy tiles; it is better to give preference to matte textures with roughness and scuffs. It is advisable to choose a texture close to natural materials.

It would be an interesting highlight if you don’t cover some places with tiles, as if they fell off by themselves. The embossed tile material will be especially chic, both externally and in terms of safety, since it does not slip.

Diagonal laying of tiles helps to visually increase the space of the bathroom

Correctly designing the ceiling

The ceiling is usually painted white or simply whitewashed. If there are no windows, then a single-level ceiling with built-in lamps can be mounted on the ceiling. Drywall must be moisture resistant.

For a modest-sized bathroom, choose a light ceiling finish

Stretch ceilings look great. It is imperative to use a matte surface of the canvas, plain and without patterns or prints. The color should be in pastel and soothing colors: beige, white, pearl. If space allows, you can install false beams, which will give the room a natural and rustic style.

A spectacular chandelier with candelabra would be appropriate on the ceiling of a bathroom in a private home.

Letting in the sunshine

The bathroom of French houses has a window, and quite a large one. It gives a lot of natural light, and the Provence style takes this detail as a rule. It's great if your bathroom has a window and you happily follow the Provençal style. If there is no window, it can be imitated or replaced. For example, design the doors covering a niche with pipes as a window. Or place a mirror in a window frame. If there is no natural light, artificial light will replace it. There should be several lamps, original wooden or forged. A pendant chandelier with three to five shades and at least a pair of sconces is desirable. No twilight - only a sunny summer day. And there is no need to make built-in lamps, leave them for other styles.



How to design bathroom flooring

To bring the bathroom as close as possible to the Provence style, you need to make the floor wooden or stone. If you decide to lay tiles, then they should be large with a textured pattern, imitating natural materials: stone, wood.

Spacious bathroom with wooden floor

Small bathroom with wood-effect ceramic flooring

The color of the floor should be slightly darker than the ceiling and walls.

Installing oval plumbing fixtures

Provencal style does not like corners, so all plumbing fixtures have streamlined shapes: round, oval. The oval bathtub dominates everything and everyone. According to the rules of style, it should be placed in the middle of the room. It was once a luxury to have a bathtub in your home. Now such reverence is not required in front of her. And it’s inconvenient when a rather bulky object stands in the middle of a functional room. It is better to place it in a corner or against a wall. But what it is advisable to keep is the podium or the curved “lion” legs on which the bathtub is installed. The sink, also round or oval, can be mounted either in the countertop or on it. There are no restrictions here. If the bathroom is combined with a toilet, it is better to choose a toilet from classic models.



Decor as a feature of style

You can complement the base of the decor with light fabrics, curtains with ruffles, and flowers in flowerpots. A large mirror with a beautiful wooden frame or decorated with forged metal will fit perfectly. If it is not possible to buy a mirror with a frame, then it is better to buy one without a frame at all.

Colorful accessories in Provencal style are selected to decorate the bathroom.

A wicker shelf or drawers are suitable for bath accessories. You can hang wooden shelves, hangers, soap dishes and towel holders on the wall; in addition to wood, glass and metal are also suitable, but not plastic.

Forged wall lamps look very beautiful

Paintings with lavender fields and landscapes will be an excellent addition to the bathroom interior.

Decor and accessories

Since this style is based on decor, the selection of accessories in the bathroom design should be given as much attention as possible.

Mirror. Large, vintage, with traces of antiquity on a heavy frame - an ideal option that can set the desired tone for the entire room.

Bath curtain. It makes sense to complement a comfortable glass partition with decorative curtains made of waterproof fabric in a beautiful French pattern. Heavy decorative tiebacks are a must-have.

Design: Oksana Turchak, Pavel Piyaikin

Design: Roman Tutushkin, Olga Baykova

Design: Julia Kleyman

Accessories. It is important that dispensers, soap dishes, towel holders and other bathroom accessories match the design of faucets and furniture fittings. It’s okay if they take on a lot of attention: this will only emphasize the decorativeness and flirtatious mood of the setting.

If the size of the bathroom allows, complement the interior with an elegant armchair in a linen cover or a pouf upholstered in fabric with soft colors.

Take a closer look at the circular curtains: they look romantic and stylish.

Design: Yulia Nesterova

Fresh flowers are also appropriate.

Design: Denis Kukushkin


When talking about Provence bathroom curtains, I mean three options:

  • window curtains;
  • small curtains for furniture;
  • curtain designed directly for the bathing procedure.

Roman curtains in the interior

Let's look at each position separately:

Window curtains for the Provence bathroom are a real flight of fancy. They can be plain or floral, with or without frills . It is important that they are made from natural materials (silk is an exception).

Options for “Roman” and “roller” curtains or wood-look blinds look original and very stylish on Provence bathroom windows. Rustic drawer curtains serve as an elegant decoration for shelves, furniture or a cabinet under the sink.

There may be no bath curtain, but it is more cozy when it pleasantly envelops the bath in a romantic mood. It is difficult to buy such a curtain in a regular store. They can be sewn to order from special water-repellent materials.

Curtains should be made from natural materials

A curtain for a bathroom in the Provence style is hung on an unusually shaped cornice . It is round or oval. In any condition, such a curtain looks noble and elegant.

Plumbing fittings suitable for Provence style

Showers are usually not used in such an interior, only bathrooms, but in a small apartment they are quite acceptable. Ideally, the bathtub will look like a font of ancient times with a bronze coating and have an oval, round shape on curved forged legs.

A massive cast iron bathtub is an excellent choice for a Provence style interior

It should be placed in the center of the room or on the podium. The sinks are typically oval in shape with wooden stands; usually, instead of doors, curtains in a floral print are hung. The toilet can be hung or built in, a bidet is also suitable, the main thing is that it matches the color of the overall interior.

Even the water tap must be stylish to fit harmoniously into the Provençal interior


  • A bathroom sink in the Provence style can be built-in, with a pedestal (“tulip”) or a countertop. Hanging models are extremely rare. Material: ceramics, marble or its artificial analogues.

Overhead models in the shape of a round bowl are most reminiscent of faience washstands from the 18th century, when the French provincial style originated. By adding a jug to such a sink, where you can store, for example, fragrant bath bombs, we get a magnificent and stylish set.

  • The bathtub, ideally cast iron or steel, should have a traditional shape. Usually it is placed on legs in the form of lion paws, but a simple support on the floor is also possible.

In spacious rooms, it is recommended to install the bathroom in the center, separated by textile drapery made of natural linen or cotton. It is advisable that it harmonizes in color and pattern with the window curtains for the bathroom .

  • Faucets and showers in retro style “bronze” are the final touch in decorating Provençal bathrooms.

A Provence style bathroom with a shower is not a contradiction, but a desire to combine traditions and a modern level of comfort. To make the device less noticeable, it is advisable to use open models with completely transparent walls rather than hydroboxes.

Advice : when starting a bathroom renovation , you can set aside a niche for the shower in advance, thus hiding it as much as possible from prying eyes. This option will look most harmonious (see photo ):

Original bathroom furniture in Provence style

In a small bathroom or one combined with a toilet, you should not install massive cabinets; in this case, you should look at a floor-mounted wall-mounted sink.

Provence style design involves the installation of large-sized furniture

In a Provence style bathroom it is better to use:

  • furniture with curved legs;
  • mirrors in forged frames;
  • elegant chests of drawers;
  • shelves and wicker cabinets;
  • aged decor;
  • dressing tables.

Additionally, you need to install a rack with open shelves for towels and bath accessories, as well as a chair and a rattan chair for changing clothes.

Wooden furniture with worn surfaces will harmoniously fit into the Provencal interior.

All furniture should be round in shape with graceful bronze legs. A pastel shade with a floral pattern will additionally create the atmosphere of French Provence.

How not to decorate bathrooms in this style: 3 main mistakes

1. Build an interior using combinations that are too contrasting. Provence is about nuances, so in general the appearance of the bathroom should be designed in tones that are approximately equal in visual weight.

2. Use linear or spot lighting. This will modernize a retro bathroom—in a bad way.

3. Include angular fixtures and furniture in the bathroom interior. Smooth, rounded lines are the right base for the decor.

Design: Veranda

Carved furniture facades will complement a Provencal bathroom just as well as painted ones.

Design: Nadezhda Zhilenkova

A console washbasin with ceramic “legs” is a visually lighter and more elegant alternative to a cabinet.

Design: Angelina Ishoeva Luxury and comfort: setting up a home theater

Bathroom lighting in Provence style and choice of lighting fixtures

In a large bathroom, a massive chandelier in a thin forged frame and the same lamps on the walls will look ideal. You can place bronze candelabra and candlesticks on the chest of drawers. The light bulbs are energy-saving, warm light: they will provide good lighting, like on the shores of France.

The interior of a bathroom in a Provencal style provides abundant natural light

In the absence of a window, comfortable lighting is provided by sufficient lamps

Filling the bathroom with accessories

Provence style loves accessories. There are a lot of them, but at the same time they do not clutter up the space or interfere. This is not only the usual set of holders, soap dishes and glasses for the bathroom, but also flower pots, jugs, mirrors in bronze, wooden or brass frames, wicker baskets and boxes, and caskets. On the chest of drawers, shelf or countertop in the bathroom there can be frames with photographs, figurines, and candlesticks.



Stylistic features

Provence style is filled with the light and warmth of the French coast and lavender fields. The color palette is mostly pastel and not flashy: sand, lilac, olive, lavender, pearl, white, Tiffany. French-style decor should fill the room with calmness, tranquility and set the mood for complete relaxation. All Provençal style decorative elements are made of natural materials: wood, glass, stone.

The abundance of interior details inherent in Provence will be appropriate only in a room of sufficiently large area

If it is impossible to purchase natural materials, you can replace them with high-quality imitation.

The charm and sophistication of French Provence combines lightness, airiness and sophistication. The rustic theme implies the presence of decor and fabrics with natural patterns and natural finishing materials, which completely transfers the bathroom to the Mediterranean coast.

Non-standard solutions will help you create an original bathroom design, for example, a wooden staircase with shelves for storing bath accessories

Priorities in choosing finishing materials

The natural origin of finishing materials is characteristic of this style. Ceramic tiles for the Provence bathroom fit harmoniously into the design. It is an environmentally friendly product and has excellent technological and aesthetic characteristics. This style welcomes wood, metal, and glass. The range of materials used in design is quite extensive.

The modern consumer does not need to be limited in the choice of finishing materials for the Provence style of the bathroom. The range of construction and finishing materials is huge, allowing you to find the best options for a specific room.

Porcelain tiles, panels, Provence tiles for the bathroom must meet general and specific requirements. The following materials look appropriate in this interior:

  • light, pastel, with natural patterns;
  • imitating stone, brick;
  • decorative coatings with an aging effect.

Bathroom tiles imitating brickwork

All these coverings create proper coziness and allow you to fully enjoy comfort. It is not necessary to strictly follow the recommendations; it is not necessary to copy the design of the Provence bathroom. These options are guidelines for creating an individual, comfortable interior.

Provence style: photo gallery

A cozy and warm bathroom interior in the popular Provence style is shown in the photo below.

We use the aging technique

To bring the bathroom interior design as close as possible to the original Provence style, you need to use the technique of aging objects. This primarily applies to wooden and metal surfaces. Walls, ceilings and furniture should not shine with newness, but surprise with a touch of antiquity, albeit artificially created. There are many techniques for aging objects, for example, dry brushing, patination, glazing, spraying, crackle, paraffin rubbing, etching, brushing.



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