How to choose and install a corrugated toilet bowl yourself?

Do-it-yourself installation or replacement of plumbing fixtures is becoming increasingly popular. Some people are trying to reduce their repair costs in this way, while others want to ensure the quality of the installation themselves, so as not to have the work redo by incompetent mercenaries. Many plumbing jobs do not require the intervention of a professional plumber.

It is easier to work with modern plastic materials than with metal products. For example, if the corrugation for a toilet bowl requires replacement, even a novice master can solve the problem. You just need to study the technology features of this type of work and take into account a number of important nuances.


Today, corrugation is the only option for installation in the required position.
Often, when using ordinary rigid pipes, it is difficult to connect the toilet to the sewer in a given position or when using one of its models if the socket is not provided for it.

It is used:

  1. If the toilet needs to be moved axially in relation to the socket. This includes laying tiles on the floor, raising equipment when using simple rigid pipes is not possible. In the case when the plumbing equipment is moved to another place more suitable for use. In such situations, the outlet line of the toilet bowl and the socket will no longer coincide, therefore, it is necessary to use a special flexible corrugation.
  2. Now toilets are offered with various outlet models , but, for example, old-type apartment buildings are only designed for installation of oblique outlets. In this regard, if the product has a horizontal or vertical outlet, then when connected to the sewerage system, you will only need a corrugation that bends in any direction without losing its qualities. It lasts quite a long time, but in case of replacement, you should choose a material that is manufactured by a foreign company. Local producers do not have the quality required in such situations.

When should you install a corrugated connector?

Before purchasing, study the technical specifications.

It is permissible to install such a pipe when other options cannot be used:

  • corrugation is used as a temporary measure, during the construction phase or in case of leakage of an existing pipe, and it takes more time to select, purchase and deliver a new one;
  • changing the existing layout of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom: the toilet is shifted relative to the sewer riser, the floor level becomes higher;
  • discrepancy between the diameters of the toilet flush and the pipe connection of the sewerage system;
  • The plumbing fixture was replaced, and when purchasing a new one, the type of outlet was not taken into account: straight or oblique.

The reason may be due to repairs. In this case, the cladding is often mounted on top of the old coating. The bathroom also contains household appliances, such as a washing machine. Often problems during the installation of communications arise when you need to install a new plumbing fixture in a bathroom where the pipes have not been changed for a long time.


The corrugation for the toilet can be reinforced or non-reinforced. Non-reinforced ones are more rigid and durable. They are used for hidden installation of plumbing fixtures. Stainless steel wire is used as a reinforcing material and the walls of the flexible pipe are reinforced with it.

Since the dimensions of the corrugation vary, you need to find out the characteristics of the hole for the outlet of the toilet bowl and sewer pipe, and only then choose flexible fittings.


Today, reinforced corrugation is extremely popular. It has a rigid structure, reinforced with thin wire, thanks to which the structure will be more resistant to various damages. Their design contains reinforcement consisting of thin wire. The corrugation can be made of plastic or rubber.

The service life of a reinforced corrugated pipe is much longer, and therefore its price is higher than that of a non-reinforced one.


A mixed corrugated pipe is used in case of a non-standard connection to the toilet. Such cases include a design decision that the plumbing product should be located at a certain distance from the adjacent wall.


Drain is considered the most versatile choice of all known. Using such a pipe, the toilet is connected both to a plastic pipe and to an outdated one, equipped with different shaped cast iron elements. Most often it is used by those who do not think too much about whether the corrugation will fit a specific model of sanitary ware.

How to solve the problem of choice

Before purchasing a corrugated connector, you should check the dimensions of the holes with which it will be connected. The likelihood of errors will be less if you buy the corrugation at the same time as the toilet. The second important indicator is the length of the pipe. There are models of different types and purposes.

For example, for a small combined bathroom, a corrugated outlet with an outlet can be a very convenient option, allowing you to connect two objects to one sewer outlet at once. Sometimes it is more convenient to use a special rubber cuff for the toilet.

Corrugation and cuff for toilet bowl
To connect the toilet to the sewer system, you can use not only the corrugation (2), but also a special rubber cuff (1) and a plastic outlet (3)

It makes no sense to purchase cheaper corrugation, since the cost of even the most expensive option is low. The connector may be a little more expensive, but it meets the expected level of quality. Imported products have good strength and durability characteristics.

Western manufacturers additionally strengthen their products with reinforcing metal wire. Such models are more rigid, they sag less and resist mechanical stress better.

To install the corrugation, you may also need the following elements:

  • coupling, straight or eccentric, for connecting to the sewer pipe of the toilet, which is located right next to it;
  • a pipe with a cuff or a plastic outlet intended for installing a toilet bowl, the position of which is shifted relative to the entrance to the sewer system;
  • the corrugation is hard or soft, allowing you to bypass small obstacles that prevent the direct connection of the toilet to the sewer.

When choosing a suitable corrugation for a toilet, you should remember that problems can arise not only when using an element that is stretched too much. It is also not recommended to use an excessively short pipe.

Strong compression or sharp bending will soon lead to breakage.

Bend corrugation for toilet bowl
With such a bend in the corrugation installed on the toilet, liquid will most likely accumulate at the bottom. It is necessary to change the position of the toilet or choose a different connection method

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to save on plumbing services, you should install the toilet using a corrugated pipe.
It has a number of characteristic features. Corrugation is very convenient, since such a pipe is more flexible and can stretch up to almost a meter. Taking this into account, the toilet can be placed wherever you want. Often the floor surface in the bathroom has many uneven surfaces. In such a situation, the use of corrugation would also be appropriate.


  1. A plastic tube is used in situations where the design of the room provides for a retreat from the walls.
  2. The corrugation is universal, which makes it possible to connect it both to an old model cast-iron sewer pipe and to a modern plastic water pipe.
  3. Possibility of connecting toilets of a wide variety of models to it. Pipes are made with different diameters, so choosing the one you need is not difficult.
  4. Installation is quite simple and quick.


  1. If you use various chemicals intended for cleaning too often, then after a certain time the corrugation may become thinner and begin to leak.
  2. The walls are quite thin and are extremely easy to damage with a sharp cutting object, or simply with a sharp force.
  3. If the installation process does not take into account the sewer level and the pipe is installed incorrectly, the risk of water stagnation increases. In such situations, you need to change the corrugated pipe and use a different method of waste disposal.
  4. If the pipe is located at a great distance from the toilet drain, it can sag, as a result of which liquid can accumulate in it for a long time. In this regard, breakdown may occur. If the distance cannot be changed, then you need to think about supports. This will make it possible to avoid breakdowns and congestion.

How to choose:

  1. When choosing a corrugation, you need to take into account its performance. Information about them is contained in the instructions for the device. Indicators include length, bore diameter, seal type, etc.
  2. Corrugations vary in diameter. Before purchasing it, you need to measure the diameter of the pipe where it is attached to the toilet. Of course, the optimal choice is to purchase a toilet and corrugation at the same time.
  3. When choosing, you need to give preference to corrugation from a well-known manufacturer. There is no point in saving, since constant breakdowns and replacements will become regular.


The disadvantages of this connection method are the following:

  • Thin walls can be pierced by a sharp object falling into the sewer. In addition, temperature changes (for example, if you pour boiling water into the toilet) can deform the plastic.
  • The service life of corrugated pipes is shorter than that of metal analogues.
  • Corrugation does not look as beautiful as chrome-plated metal pipes. However, with a certain skill of the master, it can be installed in such a way that it will be almost completely hidden from view.
  • If the corrugation is stretched too far and is not secured, it will sag in the middle. Water and debris will accumulate at the site of subsidence, which will sooner or later lead to a blockage.

How to remove the old one and install a new corrugation?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the old corrugation and replace it with a new one.
This process will be easier if:

  1. If the old corrugation is stretched to its maximum. Then it is easy to remove it from the pipe, and then from the sewer pipe. The remaining liquid is easily removed from the pipe and drained into the sewer.
  2. If the toilet is in a corner, then the arc rule is used. Then the corrugation can be easily removed from both pipes. First, it is removed from the toilet pipe. It happens that the corrugation is not stretched because the toilet is located very close to the drain. To make it easier to remove it, you will need to dismantle the toilet itself.

Then you can install a new corrugation. Installation is carried out in reverse order.


  1. First, the pipe is thoroughly cleaned of excess seals and connections that were previously in it. Approximately the same is done with a sewer drain pipe. It happens that old joints are sealed using concrete, then it is necessary to knock them down with a hammer and chisel.
  2. The joints are wiped dry so that no greasy stains or dust remain there. It is necessary not to allow traces of sealant or other means from previous installation to remain on the surface of the pipe.
  3. First, the corrugation is inserted into the toilet, it is moved towards the drain and the other end is inserted into it.
  4. It is advisable that the corrugated pipe is not under strong tension. This will extend the period of its use.
  5. Finally, the toilet is attached to the floor.

Practical recommendations:

  1. The plumbing fixture can be located at an impressive distance from the wall. Then some try to stretch the pipe. This does not need to be done until the moment when it is securely fixed in the socket of the sewer pipe and the pipe. It is more advisable to do this before connecting to communications, otherwise the resulting length may exceed the required length for a long period. And the walls will become thinner and the risk of them bursting will increase.
  2. Do not allow sagging to form on the surface of the tube . In such a place, waste may accumulate. Because of this, the pipe may become clogged, and waste disposal will be difficult. This causes leaks and the need for repairs. In order to eliminate sagging, you need to correctly set the height of the toilet and sewer outlet opening. They should be at the same height and at a low distance from the floor. Otherwise, you will need to make the stand yourself from the materials you have on hand. It supports the corrugation in the middle.
  3. Nowadays, most people strive for an aesthetic appearance of the bathroom; they hide the corrugation with boxes or a screen. To avoid empty spaces, various accessories are sometimes placed and stored. But do not forget that the corrugation, although reinforced, is not cast iron and overload is contraindicated for it. Deflections may occur and there is a risk that the pipe will burst.
  4. If a crack is detected on the corrugation, it must be replaced without delay with another one. Often, owners tried to solve the problem with their own hands using improvised means. But this does not make it possible to correct the situation. The glued areas will subsequently diverge and leak. And this problem can only be eliminated by replacing the corrugation.
  5. To ensure a reliable connection between the pipe and the corrugation, a special sealant for plumbing products is used. Although a high-quality product should already have membranes that seal the joints, these actions are still necessary.
  6. When installation is completed , you need to check the tightness of the entire structure. You need to rinse the water from the barrel into the bowl and make sure that the liquid does not flow from any pipes or from their connections.

How to make a replacement:

  1. The old corrugation is removed, then the toilet pipe and pipes are thoroughly cleaned. It happens that old joints are sealed with concrete, then you have to use a hammer and chisel.
  2. The joints should be wiped with a dry cloth so that no sealant from the previous installation remains.
  3. A new corrugation is attached to the outlet of the toilet.
  4. Installation of the toilet, then the other end of the tube is inserted into the sewer hole.
  5. Installation of a drain tank.

Sizes and prices

Corrugations vary in type of reinforcement (reinforced, unreinforced), stiffness (hard, soft) and length (short, long, medium).
Its length ranges from 230 to 510 mm, and the usual diameters are 135 (inside - 70) mm - on the cuff, which is put on the socket of the toilet, and 115 mm - on the end, which is inserted into the outlet of the sewer riser. The dimensions of the corrugation are extremely important, since a short product can experience stress and soon fail. If the corrugation is too long, this can also contribute to further problems.

It is worth noting that although the prices of toilet corrugations are small, it is nevertheless worth calculating everything first.

Corrugation for toilet installation is an excellent replacement for a rigid pipe, the use of which during installation requires special knowledge. Corrugated pipe is quite simple to install. In addition, they are used for toilets with different types of outlet, since it bends at any angle.

Installing a toilet bowl corrugation is a simple process. But it is directly related to the installation of plumbing fixtures. The specialist who installs the corrugation also installs the toilet. If you are not sure that you can do this work yourself, you should call a specialist so that he can quickly and efficiently replace the old product in the bathroom with a new one.

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