How to choose a countertop for a bathroom? The best ideas, optimal materials and real options for use in the interior (135 photos and videos)

The bathroom is one of the most visited places in the house, both by the owner and guests. It should be as practical, functional and at the same time comfortable as possible. In this article you can learn about how many nuances and problems arise when choosing a countertop for a bathroom, what you can give preference to, and what you should refrain from.

How to find what to pay attention to

The material is the basis of a quality countertop. It is advisable for the buyer to understand what he is looking for and what types there are. If you prepare carefully, then you will be guaranteed that the purchase will be successful in every sense. So how do you choose a countertop? The bathtub has special characteristics and is not the same as other rooms in the home, and this is important to remember.

What to pay attention to:

  • Sufficient functionality. If the selected model has many different shelves and drawers, this will allow you to store more useful items, which is considered an incomparable plus. And, if you can build household appliances into their compartments, this already suggests that you need to buy something better; you won’t find anything better;
  • Material stability. The model must have good protection from moisture and large temperature changes, we are talking about a bathroom and this will definitely happen here;
  • Anti-corrosion resistance. This is almost the same thing - it is important to check how the surface of the countertop is protected;
  • As a modification, it is protected from the effects of chemicals - it is not uncommon for washing powder, soap, toothpaste, etc. to get on the surface. If all this has an impact on the countertop, then you should choose another one;
  • Appearance is also important - the product must fit into the overall design, otherwise you will have to deal with an unpleasant appearance and a damaged design. Although this doesn't matter to everyone. For some, it is enough to get functionality at a high level.

Choosing a Bathroom Table Top

The countertop under the bathroom sink is very convenient to use, and this can be explained not by itself, but by the base on which it is held.

This is where its various functions lie. This product is now available in two versions: floor-mounted and wall-mounted.

Read here! What a hood should be like for a bathroom - an overview of modern models, design nuances and tips for choosing a hood (135 photos + video)

The only difference between them is the installation method. Read more about one and the other furniture option.

The tabletop is a floor-standing type - it is quite easy to install. To put it in the right place, all you have to do is adjust the level of the desired position on the legs, then the washstand is connected to the water supply and sewerage pipes.

The difference between this product is that there is a considerable amount of space; it is actually possible to place hygiene items under the surface of the countertop. In addition, various options have many drawers and shelves for storing laundry sets.

Recommendations from the designer

A tabletop screwed to the wall is quite a bit inferior to another floor type. Its difference lies in the fact that it holds fewer items and installation, which is more complicated. This type of furniture is installed using an anchor method on the wall.

Marble countertop

The types of countertops are varied. Based on stone, we can talk about natural marble or artificial versions. Marble is characterized by increased density and resistance to moisture. It is considered a noble material. The service life is long - the appearance retains its characteristics throughout almost its entire length.

Due to the peculiarities of the craftsmen, they create unique design approaches and this has become the key to the success of such products. Stone countertops are considered an excellent choice for various installation purposes.

What materials is the countertop made of?

When choosing the right material for the shelf, you should take into account the style of the room and the design features of the plumbing. A beautiful countertop can become a bright accent or harmoniously complement the interior without disturbing the overall style, as evidenced by photos of different bathroom design options.

Any surface (wood, glass, metal) is suitable for installing a tabletop bowl, and it is easier to fix the built-in structure on a shelf made of an easy-to-cut material (chipboard, composite). Monolithic blocks, most often stone, look organic in luxurious, sophisticated interiors. Self-assembled modules from plasterboard provide scope for different decoration options.

Chipboard and MDF

Chipboard countertops are considered not a very durable option, but their relatively short service life (up to 10 years with proper use) is compensated by their reasonable cost. A wide range of shades and patterns imitating wood, stone, leather, etc., allows you to furnish a bathroom decorated in any style.

The material is easy to work with: it’s easy to give the tabletop a shaped configuration, and installing a sink is not difficult either. Laminated chipboards are resistant to household chemicals and mechanical stress, and their color does not fade over time. MDF produces products with similar characteristics, but the material is considered safer (does not contain harmful formaldehydes, which may be present in low-quality chipboards) and moisture-resistant, but is more expensive.

Problems with water ingress and surface deformation can occur in the edge area or if the protective coating of the countertop is damaged.

The former are solved by using postforming technology, when the edges of the laminated layer are folded under the base of the slab, the latter - by careful handling.


A wooden tabletop is an excellent addition to an eco-friendly interior. A wooden module will not only decorate the room, but also make it warmer and more comfortable. To make blocks for the sink, ship's wood or a specially impregnated board coated with varnish is used, which increases its moisture resistance.

Such surfaces do not withstand mechanical stress well and should be handled and maintained with caution. Wood is most often chosen for large bathrooms with a forced ventilation system that provides a dry microclimate.

Drywall with tiles and mosaics

An excellent option for those who prefer to implement their own ideas in home improvement. Drywall is a material that allows you to make countertops of different shapes; there are special types for wet rooms.

To prevent the shelf under the sink from deforming under the influence of moisture, the joints of the elements are treated with protective impregnation. The disadvantage of this design is the difficulty of caring for the mosaic surface.


Products made from this material are considered an economical option, are available in different designs, are lightweight and easy to install. Plastic countertops are used as a place to store toiletries; they cover household appliances on top.

However, sinks are rarely installed on such modules: the plastic is low in strength, does not withstand additional loads well, and the decorative layer quickly loses its attractiveness under the influence of cleaning agents.

A natural stone

This option is available to those who are willing to spend a considerable amount on a module under the sink, not only for the purchase of the unit, but also for its installation, which is approximately 30% of its cost. Countertops made of natural stone are suitable for spacious bathrooms; depending on the style of the interior, they look monumental, shocking or elegant and are considered an element of prestige and luxury.

They are made from solid slabs of granite, onyx, marble, basalt, brown travertine - materials whose unique design was created by nature itself. The color range includes pure tones (white, black, gray), pastel, bright and transitional shades. Advantages of stone blocks:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • good compatibility with surfaces made of other materials - metal, glass, mirrors, ceramics.

Due to their heavy weight, such modules are installed on a solid frame or cabinet. Stone surface care products are selected individually. For example, marble cannot withstand treatment with chlorine-containing substances.

Fake diamond

A bathroom with a countertop that imitates stone looks no less elegant than using natural material, and purchasing a module will cost much less.

Artificial stone is made from a mineral filler and a binder polymer with the addition of dye and modifying additives. Technological features, different types of filler and the ratio of components allow us to produce:

  • quartz agglomerate;
  • acrylic stone;
  • polyester material;
  • cast marble.

Models of countertops made from agglomerate most closely resemble stone ones, and in terms of performance they even surpass them. In the production of the material, crumbs and pieces of natural quartz, less often marble and granite, are used, and polyester resins are used as a binding component. The advantages of agglomerate include:

  • high strength and impact resistance;
  • lack of porosity, which prevents moisture from penetrating inside the block and mold development;
  • resistance to high temperatures, aggressive and abrasive cleaning agents;
  • variety of appearance.

The material also has disadvantages: artificial quartz remains cold to the touch, cannot be restored, and is produced in slabs no more than 3 m long. Countertops are rarely made from cast marble and polyester stone, although the former has the same advantages as agglomerate.

The second has a specific smell that does not disappear immediately and cannot be bent, so only modules of the correct geometric shape can be made from it.


This composite material is another type of artificial stone. It is made from acrylic resins, a mineral filler that ensures the strength of the material, and coloring pigments designed to create monotonous shades, sand patterns, marble veins and stains, translucent and shiny inclusions.

Acrylic stone becomes plastic at a temperature of 150-200° C. The thermoforming technology is based on this property, with the help of which countertops with radius elements and bent shapes are made. The advantages of the material include:

  • the ability to create long seamless modules;
  • resistance to shock loads;
  • high strength;
  • absence of micropores characteristic of natural stone (moisture does not accumulate on the acrylic surface and microorganisms do not develop);
  • ability to maintain appearance with constant contact with water;
  • pleasant to the touch surface;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • high maintainability - scratches can be easily removed by grinding.

Acrylic deforms when exposed to high temperatures, so placing hot objects (for example, a hair straightener) on countertops made of this material is not recommended.


Despite their fragile appearance, glass countertops are made from fairly durable and thick tempered glass or plexiglass with a polyethylene layer. The following types of glass are used for bathroom modules:

  1. Transparent. Does not provide shadows and creates the illusion of space.
  2. Optiwhite is a material without its own shade. Looks beautiful with LED lighting.
  3. Colored. Each of its layers is painted in its own color, which together creates a pattern in the glass unique to this specimen, in expensive versions - with a 3D effect.
  4. Matte. Creates a faint shadow covering the space under the countertop.
  5. Tinted. Suitable for high-tech and modern style rooms.

Glass surfaces located in the bathroom require constant care, but they are hygienic, easy to clean and difficult to damage.

Glass table top

A glass-based bathroom countertop under a sink has a number of advantages. This is usually chosen by sophisticated owners. The material guarantees consistency in keeping with style and fashion trends. He never loses popularity and attractiveness.

It is protected from scratches, cracks and other unpleasant damage. Not affected by detergents, mildew or cleaning powders. The price is at a level and can be different, which is suitable for all segments of the population.

However, a bathroom with a glass-based countertop has some negative aspects. You will not be able to install it yourself to suit your size and shape of the sink. Such products will have to be properly looked after throughout the entire period of their operation.

In case of excessive loads, chips or even serious damage may occur. This almost always leads to replacement of the product, since its continued use is dangerous.

Types of bath countertops

Today, manufacturers offer many configurations of such accessories. Their differences lie in the design. Tabletops are:

  1. Monolithic - models already equipped with a sink. Their appearance is elegant and care is simple. This is a convenient option, especially for small bathrooms. If necessary, you can place a washing machine under the washbasin.

  1. For built-in sinks. Countertops of this type have a special hole designed for installing a washbasin. Such models are often made to order, but if the measurements are taken correctly, you can choose the finished product.

  1. Countertops for countertop sinks. Such accessories have a hole smaller than the washbasin. This is necessary so that the bowl completely covers the surface.

In addition to the design, countertops differ from each other in the material from which they are made.

Chipboard or MDF

Economy class products are made from boards made from natural wood fibers.


  • unlimited choice of colors;
  • imitation of textures of natural materials (stone, wood);
  • the presence of a protective laminated layer, thanks to which the surface is mechanically stable;
  • resistance to exposure to sunlight.

The disadvantage is that chipboard and MDF are not the best materials for use in damp rooms. The tabletop gradually swells, losing its aesthetic appearance. The average service life is 5 years.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

When choosing countertops made of chipboard and MDF, you should take into account the formaldehyde emission class. Products marked E0 and E1 are suitable for use in residential premises.

Made from natural or artificial stone

These materials are used to make countertops that become a real decoration of the bathroom. Functionality largely depends on what materials are used for manufacturing: natural or synthetic materials.

Marble and granite are used from natural stones. The advantages of such countertops:

  • no cracks appear on the surface;
  • temperature resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • combination with any materials;
  • various colors.

Of the disadvantages, the most significant is the high cost. In addition, granite and marble countertops are not wall-mounted.

Due to its impressive weight, no bracket can support this product. You can only choose a floor model.

Artificial stone is made from quartz and acrylic. It is much lighter and cheaper than natural. Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages.

Modern manufacturers of bathroom countertops more often use acrylic stone, consisting of resins, mineral chips and coloring pigments. Products made from this material have the following advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • wide choice of shapes;
  • the joints are invisible;
  • maintainability.

The disadvantage is the low strength of acrylic stone. A tabletop made from this material is not resistant to high temperatures and chemicals.

Quartz agglomerate is made under pressure from polyester resins, stone chips, pigments and a number of additives. The main advantages of this material:

  • strength;
  • thermal resistance;
  • ease of care.

The downside is that, unlike acrylic, quartz surfaces cannot be restored once damaged. The material is difficult to process, and therefore countertops of unusual shapes are not made from it.

Made of plasterboard with tile or mosaic finishing

Such countertops are not sold as standard factory models - they are made to order. The basis is a galvanized stainless steel profile covered with sheets of plasterboard. After this, the surface is covered with ceramic or mosaic tiles.

The solution is universal.

You can make a countertop of any shape and design, fitting it into the interior of both a spacious and small bathroom.

The products will last for many years. The only drawback is the difficulty of installing a countertop in a bathroom made of tiles and plasterboard.


It’s worth noting right away that such products are not practical. Oak, teak, and larch are used for manufacturing. The wood is impregnated with special liquids that increase moisture resistance, and is also covered with several layers of varnish. However, using such tricks, it is still difficult to significantly extend the service life. Wooden countertops are fragile, susceptible to moisture, and therefore last only 3-4 years.

But these products also have advantages: environmental friendliness, good appearance, a variety of shapes and easy installation.


Glass is considered one of the best materials, despite its apparent fragility. Caring for a tabletop made by you will not be a hassle: just wipe the surface regularly with special microfiber cloths. Glass products do not absorb odors and are not conducive to the development of fungus.

But hygiene is not the only advantage. It is also necessary to say about the aesthetic appearance, which is suitable for any interior and is distinguished by a variety of designs. The following glasses are used to make countertops:

  • transparent;
  • matte;
  • colored;
  • optical with LED backlight;
  • tinted.

In addition, a mirror is often used. Although fingerprints and similar contaminants are visible on such a surface, with constant care the products look very impressive.

For the production of countertops, special tempered glass is used, and therefore you don’t have to worry about strength. They can withstand significant loads, and the surface is difficult to scratch or damage with something hot.

The disadvantage is the complexity of installation. The glass tabletop may break during installation. In addition, the production of such products is labor-intensive, as a result of which their cost is quite high.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

If, due to mechanical impact, a chip has formed on the surface of the tabletop, then further use of this product is unsafe. It needs to be restored or replaced.


This material is considered the most budget-friendly. However, there are other advantages, in particular the variety of designs. Countertops of any size, shape, color are made from plastic.

The material is considered practical as it is moisture resistant. It weighs little, which is reflected in the ease of installation. However, plastic countertops do not last long. After 2-3 years, they begin to change color, and mold may form on the surface.

Stone countertop

An artificial stone countertop is considered an excellent choice. Due to the special surface, the product acquires suitable characteristics. It is distinguished by its durability, high level of sound absorption, and long service life. All you have to do is walk over it with a damp cloth and the surface will acquire the necessary cleanliness and shine.

The negative side is considered to be increased susceptibility to temperature changes. This also includes the price level - it is too high. If it receives noticeable damage, repair is not possible and the only way out of the situation lies in replacing it with a new model.

Advantages of a tabletop over a cabinet

Cabinet furniture for the bathroom is not distinguished by a variety of designs and color schemes, therefore it is not always suitable for the implementation of original projects and equipping rooms with a non-standard layout. Unlike a cabinet, choosing a countertop gives you more options when decorating a bathroom: this option allows you to install the sink on a surface of any shape and size.

Modules are made from natural and artificial materials. Selecting the model that is most suitable in texture, color and performance characteristics for the planned interior will not cause difficulties.

The length and width of the hanging structure are limited only by the area of ​​the bathroom, but this does not mean that only small shelves are suitable for small spaces.

Sometimes the countertop is a separate surface without any additions or with an open niche underneath. This design helps create a feeling of spaciousness in a small room. But most often, closed cabinets or pull-out shelves are installed under the countertop, and installing 2 sinks on it will be an additional convenience for a large family.

Wooden table top

Made from natural wood it has a number of advantages. The owners will receive a texture formed by pine, oak or teak. The atmosphere of the bath will be filled with the presence of warmth, comfort and the natural component included in the formation of the interior. The room will receive beauty, richness and sophistication, a connection with nature.

Fragility spoils all these advantages. The service life will not exceed ten years. Time leaves its mark, and the material begins to deteriorate. The cost is also not considered a positive thing - it is not small.

Why is stainless steel interesting in this context?

The tabletop using stainless steel creates a unique and laconic form. This look is easy to integrate with modern design trends. Fits especially well into modern or minimalism. It is durable and successfully contacts with water, copes with fungal formations. It does not require special care; you can use any cleaning products - they are safe for its surfaces.

You should not opt ​​for smooth versions; they quickly become scratched and lose their commercial beauty. It is worth taking an uneven modification with some patterns, which will be an adequate choice of tabletop. Although, this will create difficulties during washing.

Models of vanity cabinets with a countertop for the bathroom

To store hygiene, detergents and cleaning products in the bathroom, some prefer wall cabinets and shelves, others choose floor furniture - bedside tables. It is very convenient to place the latter under the tabletop. In addition to storing many items, they allow you to hide communication elements: drainage and water supply to the sink. For a bathroom with a countertop, it is very important to correctly determine the dimensions of the cabinet. Even with significant dimensions of the tabletop, it is not at all necessary to make the cabinet large; this solid design can look too bulky and take up a lot of space.

The bedside table should be functional, original and fit harmoniously into the bathroom interior

It is most convenient to purchase a ready-made option, that is, a cabinet where the top part is a tabletop. If you have to order additional furniture, you should consider the following tips:

  1. As a material, it is necessary to choose only moisture-resistant types. Even with the most careful use, drops of water will inevitably fall on the front of the cabinet, and after a couple of months you will be able to see signs of swelling on the doors and drawers.
  2. The fittings should also be used with a coating that protects against corrosion. Damage to handles and hinges will significantly reduce the aesthetics of the appearance.
  3. If necessary, you can make the bedside table hinged to save space.
  4. The depth of the structure should not be adjusted to the size of the bathroom. The countertop should hang 5-10 cm above the cabinet. This will protect it from water getting onto the facade and provide free access to the sink and faucet.

To save bathroom space, the bedside table can be made hanging

The Internet offers a lot of ideas that allow you to make a bedside table functional, original and fit harmoniously into the interior.

Shelf under the sink in the bathroom: design requirements

After installing a sink with a countertop in the bathroom, quite a lot of space remains under the structure, which is traditionally used for storing various tools, equipment and other items. The bedside table option is already covered in the article. You can also arrange one or more shelves. Open furniture in the bathroom has certain advantages:

  1. You can take and return objects without additional actions. Considering that hands are often dirty or wet, this is important.
  2. Open surfaces dry out better, which prevents the appearance of mold and other traces of dampness.
  3. The cleaning process is simplified.

Connection to communications under the shelf should be as neat and aesthetic as possible

Among the finished products, a set with a bedside table is easy to find, but shelves often have to be ordered additionally. A good solution could be to make a shelf from the same material as the tabletop, but with adjusted dimensions. This option may not be acceptable for products made of natural stone.

If you can’t replicate the design of the countertop, you can choose a matching material for the bathroom sink: white porcelain and earthenware harmonize perfectly with acrylic or wood board of the same color; ceramics – with natural wood; A similar shelf will help enhance the external effect of the original glass bowl.

Helpful advice! When arranging shelves under the countertop, you need to carefully consider the placement and appearance of plumbing fixtures. Connection to communications should be as neat, uncluttered and aesthetic as possible.

A shelf under the sink makes cleaning much easier

Why is the built-in variation interesting?

It is best to install a built-in countertop in a bathroom using ceramic tiles. Due to this, a unity of perception of the entire space is created. Can offer a unique set of designs, patterns and delightful images. In addition, it is durable, easy to maintain, and protected from water.

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  • Bathroom table: how to take into account individual characteristics when choosing a countertop and functionality (103 photos)

The negative point lies in the formation of scratches, pins, cracks - they cannot be removed using the usual approach. To do this, you will have to turn to skillful hands in the person of a master. After the restoration process, it will be possible to use the product as before this unpleasant event.

Sink on the countertop in the bathroom: which bowl to choose

The standard installation method is an under-counter sink. It’s convenient, familiar, and sometimes seems like the only possible option. But supporters of original bathroom design are increasingly paying attention to sinks that are placed above the countertop. Although it would be more appropriate to call them “bowls”.

They are made from the same materials as the mortise versions; we can only add that such models are also made of glass and metal. The shape is usually round, sometimes oval. Exclusive options can be made in the form of a petal, an irregular triangle, etc.

A sink mounted on a countertop makes the design lighter and more interesting.

Is this method of placing a washbasin convenient? According to users, this depends on the shape and depth of the bowl, its level and the spout of the mixer. Same features as built-in models. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that this installation method only affects the interior design.

A sink on a countertop, in particular a glass one, makes the design lighter and more interesting. It should be noted that overhead bowls, especially original shapes, are not always convenient. Splashes of water do not flow down the flat walls, but hit the vertical side surfaces. The small size of the sinks can be organic in the overall design, but it is sometimes impossible to wash your face without splashes flying around.

Overhead bowls are not always easy to use and maintain

Another difficulty arises in the maintenance process: it is necessary to constantly clean not only the internal, but also the external surface.

Helpful advice! Even the most original bowl will lose its charm if there are traces of drops and detergents on it. It is impossible to clean the surface after every hand washing. It is better to sacrifice the decorativeness of the product and purchase an option where the dirt will be less noticeable.

What are the benefits of countertops

Owners of apartments and other housing have long noticed that they help give a dull room that very zest that everyone needs. A beautiful countertop in the bathroom is a guarantee of its perfection and satisfaction from the time spent in this room.

Everyone wants to relax here in the evening and have the opportunity to thoroughly wash off the dirt and carry out other procedures. Coming here and seeing it - a tabletop with attractive shapes and the presence of design ideas, this process becomes easier and more enjoyable for household members. Do not forget about this when choosing this important product.

Glass table tops

Glass countertops look very light and elegant, they seem to be weightless, visually they do not take up space in space. An ideal choice for small spaces, they pair perfectly with glass shelves and corners.

There are traces of drops on the glass that can be easily removed with a soft cloth. The smooth surface is completely hygienic, does not accumulate mold and mildew spores, and does not retain odors. Fragile in appearance, these tabletops are made of thick tempered glass with a cut edge.

The transparent base is suitable for any finishing materials, and colored glass is selected to match the decor.

So where to choose?

Consider the individuality of your bathtub; only it can have a major influence on the final decision. Availability of installation work should be ensured in advance. Sometimes installation may not be possible for various reasons.

A countertop sink is the best option, it already includes everything you need. If there is a lot of space, you can use overhead versions shaped like a vessel. Mortise models are suitable for normal conditions.

To ensure longevity, purchase accessories in advance. These include impregnating liquids, soaps, specialized powders and more.

How do countertops differ from each other?

One-piece, when the sink and countertop are one whole piece. These types make the room luxurious; With hole for sink. You can buy a countertop without a sink, but be sure to know the size of the sink;

Countertop for countertop sink. The difference between this model and the previous one is the size of the opening. Option No. 1 implies a clear correspondence of the sink to its size, and option No. 2 differs in that the opening will be slightly smaller so that the countertop washbasin covers it;

The one-piece model has an advantage over the others, it will suit any room design, the advantage is its hygienic characteristics. These types of countertops are made from natural or artificial stone.

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