What size to choose a bathroom sink

Features of choosing a sink

Before purchasing a sink, you need to take certain measurements. To do this, you will need a regular tape measure, with which you can simply measure the bathroom. Based on the data obtained, a drawing is made indicating the location of all items for the bathroom. In addition, the plan must indicate the dimensions of the plumbing fixtures. This will make it possible to determine how much free space will remain in the room, which directly determines the ease of use of the room.

In addition to the anthropometric data of the people living in the apartment, the specifics of the use of the bathroom are also taken into account. So, in order to be able to get as close as possible to the bathtub, there should be a footrest next to it. The same applies to the specifics of placing the device on an additional stand, or hanging from the wall. It is also necessary to take care of the convenience of cleaning, which requires more space than in normal cases. Armed with all this data, figuring out the appropriate size of the sink for your bathroom is much easier.

Types of shells by size

The following classification is used according to the size of washbasins in the bathroom:

  • Mini sinks
    . Small-sized sinks that are used to equip bathrooms or toilets.
  • Standard
    . They have the usual parameters and configuration.
  • Combined
    . Here the paired device is located on a stand. There are also other combinations.
  • Non-standard
    . Made to order only. Typically used for furnishing bathrooms decorated in a creative style.

When deciding on a bathroom sink, you need to pay attention to its height, depth and width. Too large a washbasin for a bathroom is fraught with cluttering of space, of which there is usually not very much there. An excessively small sink is also not always the right solution: its small depth or width can cause splashes to fly in all directions while washing. As a result, the need to clean the room will arise much more often.

A trip to the store should be prepared: in addition to drawing up a diagram of the bathroom, you need to take a tape measure with you to personally check the sizes of all the options you like. The fact is that the information in the product description is not always correct, and returning a product with inappropriate parameters is quite a troublesome task. This is especially true when it comes to small bathrooms.

What are the sizes of the washbasin?

There is no clear classification of shells by size, but nevertheless, they can be conditionally divided into:

  • mini-sinks or compact ones, installed, most often in restrooms;
  • standard sinks;
  • expanded sink options (tandem of two washbasins or combined with a countertop);
  • Exclusive washbasin models made to order.

When going to the store to buy a sink, you must remember to take measurements of the place in the bathroom where you plan to place it, so as not to be upset by the fact that the purchased model does not fit into the interior in terms of dimensions.

Width selection

As experts say, the optimal width of a washbasin in a bathroom is 50-65 cm. Too wide products are not appropriate in ordinary bathrooms, taking up too much space. Especially if only 1-2 people live in the apartment. However, if the bathroom is large, then the sink should be appropriate. This will allow it to fit into the overall design of the room. In a small room, it is better to place a compact sink with a width of 30 cm. As a rule, products of this type are traditionally used in offices: such miniature products are installed very rarely at home. They are too inconvenient to use. The width of the product directly affects what the mounting platform for the mixer will be.

Recently, double sinks have been in high demand. As a rule, large families buy them, which simplifies getting ready for work/school in the morning. Products of this type allow two people to wash and brush their teeth at the same time. The dimensions of sinks in a bathroom of this type should be such that the distance between the centers of the washbasins exceeds 90 cm. Only in this case the use of a double washbasin will not cause inconvenience.

It is extremely important to place the faucets correctly in such models: it is better if they are installed not in the center of each washbasin, but nearby. In this case, the spouts are turned at right angles to the adjacent element. As a result, they will be located at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall.

Depth selection

As practice has shown, washbasins with a depth of 48-61 cm are considered the most convenient. When deciding on this parameter for your sink, you start from the average arm length of family members. To do this, simply extend your hand over the sink. The result is considered normal if the opposite cut of the cup ends in the middle of the palm or opposite the fingers.

The depth of the washbasin bowl is also extremely important: the size of the bathroom washbasin determines whether the water flowing from the faucet will splash. An excellent solution in this regard are the “tulip” and “half-tulip” models.

The size of a bathroom sink with or without a cabinet: choosing the depth

The depth of the washbasin is another important parameter that determines whether the use of plumbing equipment will be comfortable. For example, with a small value of this parameter, water splashes will scatter throughout the room.

When talking about sink depth, we mean one of two parameters:

  • Distance from the edge of the washbasin to the wall;
  • The height of the bowl itself.

You need to choose a sink of such depth that it does not interfere with free movement around the bathroom

If we take the distance to the wall as the depth, the optimal value will be from 48 to 62 cm. The recommended bowl height is from 13 to 15 cm.

You can determine whether a sink is ideal for a given parameter without the help of a tape measure. It is enough to lean against the washbasin and extend your arm parallel to the floor. If the back wall of the structure is at the level of the fingers or the middle of the palm, this model is a comfort standard.

All required dimensions can be found in the technical data sheet of the equipment. They are easy to decipher. For example, in the 550x480x150 entry, the first number indicates the width of the product, the second parameter indicates the distance to the wall, and the last parameter indicates the depth of the bowl.


This parameter for the bathroom sink can be set at your discretion. This primarily applies to wall-mounted models, which are attached to the rear wall of the room during installation. Although it is generally accepted that the optimal height for a washbasin is 80-85 cm, in practice the height of the sink from the floor is determined by location, depending on the preferences of the residents.

The dimensions of bathroom sinks with a cabinet are fixed, so these popular models must be purchased very carefully. The fact is that washing machines are often placed under such washbasins, the height of which must be taken into account in advance (read: “How to install a sink above a washing machine - detailed instructions”). The aspect of convenience is also important. So, for men, the best height of a cabinet with a sink is considered to be 94-102 cm, for women - 82-93 cm.

Washbasin sizes: choose the height of the location

The height of the sink should ensure comfortable hygiene procedures for all family members. A problem with choosing may arise due to the fact that the people living in the house are of different heights. In this case, you will have to settle on the average, which is considered optimal for both men and women.

80 – 85 cm is the height at which experts recommend installing the washbasin. In this case, the upper part of the mirror (or wall cabinet) should be located at a distance of 190 cm from the floor level.

When choosing the height of the sink, you should focus on the height of the residents of the house
. If only large adults live in the house, the level of plumbing may be higher. However, it makes no sense to “lift up” the structure if there are people of different heights in the apartment. For children, it is recommended to install a children's washbasin (low). If this is not possible, a small chair should be placed next to the sink to make using the equipment comfortable for them as well.

For people of different genders, the ideal washbasin height is slightly different:

  • 95 – 100 cm – for men;
  • 80 – 95 cm – for women.

You can achieve the ideal height by installing a special washbasin model. For example, by attaching a suspended structure using brackets. You can also purchase a sink with a cabinet: some types have adjustable legs, thanks to which the height of the washbasin changes by 7 - 10 cm.

Classification of bathroom sinks by width

One of the most important parameters of a washbasin is its width: it is this that affects the depth of different models. It should be noted that the depth range of the products on sale is not so wide. The dimensions of a bathroom sink with cabinet, pedestal and other stands are static and cannot be changed. Wall-mounted models are more diverse in this regard.

What are the different widths of bathroom sinks:

  • 30-40 cm
    . Minimalist corner models most often have similar dimensions. Small bathrooms are usually equipped with such products. If you need to install a hand washing device in a separate toilet, then use this particular washbasin. Such solutions are often found in large families, where the bathroom is often occupied. Miniature sinks are sometimes equipped with wall-mounted cabinets of suitable parameters. Inside the stand you can store household chemicals and cleaning equipment. Such stands can be made to order.
  • 50 cm
    . The most popular option for small and medium-sized bathrooms. They are much more convenient to use than previous models. The wall-hung version of this sink is considered the most compact and convenient. In cases where the furnishings of the room allow it, you can use a bathroom sink with a cabinet, the dimensions of which are selected individually. Similar models are available for sale in a wide variety. In addition to wall-mounted varieties, built-in, round, asymmetrical, oval and other models are offered.
  • 60 cm
    . Sinks of this width are usually used in spacious bathrooms and combined bathrooms. If there is enough space, there is always a desire to fill it usefully. Large corner sinks look very nice. They are distinguished by ease of use, with a fairly compact placement.

The height of the cabinet with a bathroom sink should be such that it is enough to accommodate communications. There is also room for several shelves or drawers for household chemicals and other practical things. At the same time, the room will be beautiful and neat. On the other hand, various dirt often accumulates under the cabinet. Wall-mounted sink models are more practical in this regard.

As for products with a width of 90 cm, they are intended for large bathrooms and bathrooms. Only double washbasins surpass them in width. If there is enough space for such large plumbing fixtures, then they try to install it on large cabinets. Some dimensional samples have a width of up to 150 cm.

Sink width

The most convenient to use are sinks with a width of at least 55 cm. More compact versions of sinks, 35-45 cm wide, are not suitable for regular washing, but only for washing hands and various technical needs. Such smaller bowls save space perfectly and will organically complement the interior of bathrooms with complex configurations and bathrooms with very limited space. Their models can be corner and wall.

Standard sink widths not exceeding 65 cm will ensure comfortable washing, after which you won’t have to wipe away splashes from the walls or puddles from the floor. Washbasins of a larger width should not be installed in standard bathrooms, since they will not bring much convenience, but will only “eat up” precious space.

If you really want to wash your face together, or in a large family this is simply a necessity to save time, then you can choose a double washbasin. The main thing is to choose one so that two people washing themselves do not push their elbows, therefore, the distance between the centers of the washbasin bowls should be at least 90 cm.

Happy owners of spacious bathrooms can afford extended sinks combined with a countertop, the width of which can be 150 cm.

Exterior design

Among the stylish sanitary ware, there are beautiful designer types of washbasins. Although they seem convenient, practice shows the opposite. Before buying such a model, it is necessary to carefully measure its parameters. This is not easy to do due to the complex configuration of designer sinks. Only exact dimensions can say something about ease of use. As for fashionable washbasins with ergonomic shapes, their popularity is explained not only by their external beauty. Products of this type are very suitable for small bathrooms. As a standard, they have the shape of an irregular oval with one narrowed end.

It is advisable to buy a bathtub of the appropriate configuration for such a washbasin. This makes it possible to install a narrow area at the end of the sink above an identical area of ​​the bathtub. As a result, space is saved significantly, although the size of the bath and washbasin will be quite decent. This makes them very convenient to use. As for the location of the washbasin above the washing machine, in practice this encounters some obstacles. In this case, the sink has to be raised quite high, which is not always allowed by the standard height of the cabinet with the sink. In addition, it is deep enough for tight installation.

It is advisable to ensure that the side of the sink protrudes beyond the edge of the washing machine. To solve the height problem, a washbasin model with a special wide shelf was released. It can be placed on either side of the bowl, depending on where the washing machine will be installed. The shelf plays the role of a kind of roof under which the household appliance is hidden.

When deciding on the size of a washbasin with a bathroom cabinet, it is important not to forget about children (if there are any in the family). At a young age, children usually cannot reach an “adult” washbasin, and because of this, installing a small height model is impractical from a practical point of view. You will still have to remove it in a few years. In such a situation, it is easier to get a small chair or stool so that the baby can climb on it while washing and brushing his teeth. Rubber tips must be installed on the legs of the chair to prevent it from sliding on smooth tiles.

Sink pedestal: sizes and variety of models

Having decided on a washbasin with a pedestal, you should pay attention to the size of the entire structure, which consists of the size of the bowl and the height of the leg. It is best to purchase this model in a store so that you can take a closer look at the display sample. The height of the pedestal varies from 60 to 85 cm depending on the manufacturer.

Leg dimensions are written in three numbers. For example, in the designation 640x215x200, the first value indicates the height of the column, the second and third - its length and width. If you have questions when deciphering the parameters, you should contact the seller for help.

There is a wide variety of sink pedestals available in varying heights, shapes, thicknesses and styles.

This is extremely important: extra centimeters will not allow the plumbing to fit in the room.

The pedestal for washbasins is most often made from the following materials:

  • Faience. Affordable, but least resistant to mechanical damage product. However, if the earthenware tulip sink is used carefully, the design will last for many years.
  • Porcelain. It has high performance indicators, which explain the significant cost of this material. A porcelain washbasin will not crack if a heavy object falls on it.
  • Semi-porcelain. It is a mixture of components. Semi-porcelain washbasins are less durable, but also quite durable.

Pedestal sinks have many non-standard models that will not only decorate the bathroom, but also allow you to optimally arrange the necessary plumbing in a small room. For example, washbasins in the shape of shells, which are distinguished by their exquisite shape, are very popular.

Another original solution: purchasing a bathtub and sink in the form of an irregular oval. Place the plumbing fixtures in such a way that the tapered ends of the structures are on top of each other. The dimensions of this equipment may be higher than standard, but the room will not seem cramped and cluttered.

What building codes say

Owners of private homes are given quite a lot of freedom in planning the placement of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom. However, certain standards are still present. As a rule, they are designed to regulate the construction parameters of bathrooms.

In addition, it contains recommendations regarding the distance between individual plumbing products:

  • The dimensions of a bathroom in residential and public buildings are defined as 80x120 cm. The ceiling height is from 250 cm.
  • In bathrooms located inside the attic, the toilet may be installed no closer than 100-110 cm from the corner walls. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to send natural needs.
  • When using a swing door, the leaf comes out when opened.
  • The corridor leading to the room can have a height of 210 cm.

The modern design of combined bathrooms, along with traditional plumbing, allows for the installation of objects such as a shower stall, bidet, etc.

Recommendations in this regard are as follows:

  • The space from the bathtub or shower to another element is from 70 cm. As a result, a person receives the necessary freedom of movement.
  • The toilet and bidet should be separated by a space of 25 cm. This will allow you to perform hygiene procedures without interference.
  • The toilet must have a platform in front of it of at least 60 cm. The gap dimensions on both sides are from 25 cm.
  • The front edge of the washbasin and any other fixed objects in the bathroom should be separated by a space of at least 70 cm.

These rules have been drawn up to regulate design throughout the country. They allow you to calculate in advance the dimensions of a bathroom washbasin with and without a cabinet. As for premises intended for disabled people and people with mobility problems, different building regulations apply in these cases. This directly relates to the planning and arrangement of sanitary facilities where such people will be served.

For public bathrooms used by disabled people, the following standards apply:

  • Width – from 160 cm.
  • Length – from 180 cm.

In places of permanent residence of people who have various mobility problems, the length of the bathroom is, if possible, increased to 220 cm. As for combined bathrooms, the requirements for their length and width are identical (minimum - 220 cm). For convenience, special handrails are installed inside them. The rule does not change for swing doors - they must open outwards (however, it is better to install a sliding model).

As for the dimensions of the sink with a bathroom cabinet, they must be precisely adjusted. In some cases, it is better not to use such models at all. First of all, this applies to situations where a wheelchair user lives in the house. A wall-mounted washbasin installed at a low height would be more convenient for it. To avoid any problems with the design of the alteration, the project must be drawn up in accordance with these standards.

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