Bathroom heated towel rail: convenience and practicality in the apartment and home

It happens that a good bathroom renovation can be ruined by a rough heated towel rail that initially does not fit into the interior concept. However, you cannot do without this element. How to restore the aesthetics of a room? Consider the different designs of modern heated towel rails that not only do not spoil the appearance of the interior, but may also become the main attraction of the bathroom!

Modern heated towel rails for the bathroom

The heated towel rail in the bathroom (photo) looks like a curved pipe built into the hot water supply system, where it constantly circulates, maintaining a high temperature. That’s why this permanent element of bathrooms makes it easy to dry towels and more. And in places with harsh winters, the function of heating the room is also especially appreciated. In addition, there is a technical side to the issue: the design radiator is a compensating loop in the hot water supply system.

A heated towel rail will reduce the humidity level in the bathroom

Nowadays, manufacturers produce many models of heated towel rails of a wide variety of shapes and designs.

Modern heated towel rails in the bathroom interior are also a stylistic addition to the overall design. But large sizes do not always make it possible to place it in small apartments (Khrushchev-era buildings, for example).

The water heated towel rail is connected to a regular pipeline

As for the water heated towel rail, the choice is somewhat limited by domestic manufacturers. As for electric radiators, the opposite is true. Domestic and foreign manufacturers supply a wide range of these products to the market. Separately, it is necessary to note the combined version, which is especially relevant for houses where hot water is turned off during the summer.

The operation of an electric heated towel rail does not depend on the presence of hot water in the heating pipes

Convenient model of electric dryer with rotating rods

Decorative and practical functions of a heated towel rail

In the difficult conditions of a bath, where washing, cleaning, and procedures are regular, it is difficult to achieve a normal microclimate even with the help of good ventilation. And humidity is a fabulous environment for the development of colonies of microbes and mold. The metal becomes rusty and the wooden elements begin to rot. Connecting a heated towel rail prevents destructive phenomena because:

  • the air is always dry;
  • mold and rot are afraid of dry conditions;
  • equipment and furniture last longer.

A heated towel rail can play the role of an important decorative element in the bathroom interior

In addition to establishing a comfortable temperature and the ability to dry things, this is also a wonderful decor, since the design of modern radiators is charming.

Floor dryer made of brass pipes

Modern bathroom with frame-type heated towel rails

Design radiator Varmann Mercury

This interior solution is now at the peak of fashion trends. The texture and pattern of the marble surface will fit perfectly into Scandi interior styles and noble minimalism. This innovation will be key in the rapidly gaining popularity of styles with Japanese aesthetics - wabi-sabi and Japanordic.

The polymer concrete surface heats up instantly and retains heat longer. The towel holder handle can be chosen in any shade. Perhaps the most stylish choice would be a combination of marble texture with brass matte gold.

Which heated towel rail to choose

That snake-like pipe, which we have seen in our parents’ bathrooms since childhood, is classified as a water heated towel rail. Cost-effectiveness is one of their positive aspects (electrics are more expensive). But it is not possible to adjust the heating. In case of problems with it (mechanical accident), there is a risk of flooding not only your own, but also your neighbor’s bathtub.

The design of the towel rail should be in harmony with the interior of the bathroom

The materials for the manufacture of water heated towel rails, as in the photo in the bathroom, are used differently - brass, steel, stainless steel. This is a guarantee of strength and durability. They operate from a hot water supply system and require compliance with standards and proper care (proper installation of a correctly selected radiator that can withstand increased water pressure and resist corrosion).

Water heated towel rails are made from various materials, but the most popular is stainless steel, which can be polished, chrome-plated or coated with a decorative composition

Another type of design radiator is electric. It operates from the mains and does not consume much power (like a regular light bulb). The heating elements are filled with water or oil. The thermostat switch allows you to regulate its operation. The temperature in the bathroom can be maintained in the range of 5-30 degrees plus. The cost of the equipment is quite decent.

The electric model is convenient because it can be easily hung in a convenient place next to an outlet, but in small bathrooms it is almost impossible to install an outlet in accordance with safety requirements.

Materials used

Water dryers are made from various materials, but stainless steel is recognized as the most popular and practical of them. A stainless steel water heated towel rail is one of the most unpretentious options; it can easily withstand temperature changes and the effects of an aggressive environment in the form of water from a hot water supply or heating system.

  • Stainless steel heated towel rails can be painted, polished or chrome-plated, which expands their decorative functions for various types of premises.

Black steel is also used for the production of dryers, but the water that usually flows in the pipes of apartment buildings is dangerous for it. This material can only be used in houses where an individual water supply system is equipped.

Advice! When purchasing a heated towel rail made of black steel for a typical apartment, you should opt for a dual-circuit system with an additional heat exchanger. This design of the device will protect it from water with impurities.

Another material under consideration is copper. It is characterized by a high degree of thermal conductivity, lack of susceptibility to corrosion, fast heating, low weight and ease of assembly. Copper is used if all wiring is made of this material.

Products made from non-ferrous metals are absolutely not suitable for most of our homes. They are very badly affected by high temperatures and the content of metal compounds in water. Such heated towel rails are made in other countries, and they are designed for different conditions.

An original idea for a spacious room

Non-standard material for the manufacture of the device

Sometimes brass is considered as a raw material for heated towel rails, but these devices are also more intended for foreign heating systems.

Important! Pipes of multi-storey buildings often experience pressure drops (water hammer), which can reach 8-10 bar, and brass products cannot always cope with them.

They can be installed in cottages and country houses with individual heat supply, where the pressure very rarely exceeds 3 bar. For typical apartments, a stainless heated towel rail, which has an operating pressure of 10-15 bar, is more suitable.

Freestanding brass dryer

Sizes of heated towel rails and their power: choosing the right option for the bathroom

When choosing and purchasing a heated towel rail, not only the technical side of the issue is important. Size matters too. And it starts from the area of ​​the bathroom. Standard is a relative concept here. Manufacturers study the needs of customers in the market and, based on such information, manufacture radiators.

If you really need a massive heated towel rail, match its color to the bathroom walls. This model will “dissolve” in the interior and will not clutter up the space

Correctly selected power will make it possible to completely heat the room. In the case of good insulation, when calculating the power, you need to multiply 80 W by the area of ​​​​the bathroom. For poor insulation, this figure increases to 130. Do not forget that there will be something drying on the radiator, so add 20% to the final figure. Thus, the minimum room temperature will be 24 degrees.

Forms of heated towel rails, their features

A heated towel rail in a bathroom interior, as in the photo, should suit the style and at the same time fulfill its functional duties. Modern products come in a variety of forms:

  • horseshoe;
  • ladder;
  • coil.

U- or U-shaped models are the most inexpensive and simple in shape, have a small “usable area” and are therefore ineffective

When choosing a heated towel rail, take into account the dimensions of the bathroom. In a small room it is better to give preference to compact M-shaped models

Ladder - a heated towel rail consisting of several horizontal bars connected by vertical collectors

The coating is also different: enamel, chrome, “gold-like”. Prices are directly dependent on the technological features of manufacturing. Representatives of the domestic industry produce U- and M-shaped chrome-plated products. However, you can also find a “ladder” option - transverse crossbars of straight and convex shape. M-shaped rotary models are also produced. They are designed for 15 atmospheres, although they can withstand tests of more than 20.

Chrome heated towel rail with clear geometric shapes

Foreign manufacturers spoil you with an assortment. A convenient design with three crossbars and different distances from the wall is convenient for drying things, since they do not touch. Finnish manufacturers produce S-, M-, and U-shaped options with different center distances. In Germany, radiators are made with a combination of round and square pipes, equipped with hooks for robe. However, when choosing, you should carefully study the technical specifications.

The combination of a heated towel rail with a heating radiator is an interesting solution for a bathroom in a country house

A heated towel rail is an indispensable attribute of a modern bathroom, which is designed to perform the functions of creating a constant comfortable temperature, drying small items and a design element.

A homemade heated towel rail made of copper pipes and plates is a suitable option for a loft-style interior

Technical differences

  1. Diagonal connection of the water supply for design generators is typical for the popular “ladder” model. This allows you to achieve uniform circulation of coolant (water) throughout the entire device. The connection requires additional pipe laying and installation of adapters. According to SNiP rules, shut-off valves should be provided when connecting. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the quality of the seams.

Diagonal connection diagram for heated towel rail

Bottom connection diagram for heated towel rail

Lateral connection diagram for heated towel rail

Photo gallery: heated towel rail in the bathroom interior

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