Greek style in the interior (52 photos): harmony of past and modernity

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  • 10.11.2016 23:00

    Harmony of naturalness, simplicity of lines, grace and practicality, imbued with the enchanting appeal of antiquity and the magic of natural shades - all this is the Greek style in the interior, popular today in the decor of modern homes.

    If the situation with living rooms is somewhat more complicated, then decorating a bathroom, hallway or kitchen in the Greek style will not be difficult. And ceramic tiles in the Greek style will help with this - an ideal finishing material with which you can decorate almost any surface, provide aesthetic appeal, practicality, safety and comfort.

    Greek style. History of the legend

    It is difficult to overestimate the influence of Greek civilization on the culture, socio-economic, and political formation of other peoples and states. The huge legacy left by the poets, sculptors, and philosophers of Ancient Greece still resonates in various spheres of human life and activity. The development of the ancient style took place in several stages. The influence of Egyptian traditions in the interior, which intensified in the 6th-4th centuries BC, gradually ennobled the elements of mythology inherent in early interiors. The decor becomes harmonious, luxury items take pride of place among the somewhat rustic furniture. Gradually the influence of the East becomes more and more obvious. After the conquest of Hellas by the Roman Empire, antiquity was partially assimilated and merged with the pomp and luxury of Roman art. However, practical Greeks do not change the simplicity and asceticism of centuries-old traditions. Such design solutions are also inherent in modern Greek style.

    A brief excursion into history

    The birthplace of the style is ancient Greece. The time of its appearance dates back to the third millennium BC. after the liberation of the lands between the Mediterranean and Aegean seas from Egyptian influence.

    The Greeks strived for perfection in everything, including architecture. Gradually they began to replace the rough stone with more noble marble. Sculptures depicting an athletically built person, as well as busts and graphic images of faces in profile, began to be used in the interiors of dwellings and facades.

    Gradually, the Greek style began to predominate even in the neighboring Roman Empire. In turn, the Greeks took pomp and splendor from the Romans in the form of gilding. It was applied to stucco molding and furniture elements.

    Greek style colors

    Modern designers express the ancient Greek commitment to simplicity mainly through their color palette. The inhabitants of Ancient Hellas built their homes from natural materials - stone, wood. Therefore, in the Greek direction of the Mediterranean style, cold natural shades of sunny, white, and ivory predominate. Red or yellow color was used as an additional insert.

    Granite and marble find a worthy place in the palette of Hellenic interiors. Blue color of various shades must be present, symbolizing the sea washing the shores of Greece. You can accent the central wall using marine motifs. I recommend finishing the perimeter of the room with textured plaster in natural shades.

    Smooth wallpaper in bright colors is nonsense in Greek design. Against the background of strict accents of antique columns and symmetrical patterns, the enchanting palette looks out of place. Interspersed with red and brown tones with geometric patterns horizontally dividing the wall panels give the interior nobility and aristocratic sophistication. But here I would ask you to be especially careful. Accents should be used very sparingly.

    The shine of mirrors arranged in vertical stripes will enhance the impression of spaciousness and expand the walls of the room. The palette is maintained throughout the entire volume of the room; drawings with Olympic motifs on the ceiling will help to emphasize the antiquity of the style.

    As you may have already noticed, you can often see the traditional Greek meander in the decoration of rooms - a continuous complex geometric pattern, which is named after a river with a winding current.

    Walls, floors, ceilings must have a matte surface. Smooth “soft” structures are not inherent in the style of the ancient Greeks.

    Decor options

    The amount of decor should be minimized. Accessories should complement the designer’s overall idea, so you should take a closer look at the following types of decor:

    • ✔ amphoras, floor vases, jugs;
    • ✔ figurines, sculptures;
    • ✔ forged products;
    • ✔ decorative fountains;
    • ✔ colorful pillows;
    • ✔ paintings depicting landscapes of Greece;
    • ✔ fresh flowers in pots;
    • ✔ mirrors in forged frames.

    The room is decorated with vases, paintings, figurines

    Textiles and kitchen utensils are decorated with a meander - a national Hellenic pattern that looks like a continuous ribbon of right angles. The pattern is very similar to the winding Great Menderes River, which was previously called Meander.

    Decorating the floor in a Greek interior

    The apparent simplicity of the walls extends to the floor. The use of geometrically regular forms is characteristic of a later period, influenced by the Roman invasion. Geometric sophistication adds rigor to the entire room. Various materials are used. The mosaic surface is created using tiles of different sizes in natural colors. The floors of the rooms are laid out with squares of a calm palette. If space allows, I advise you to highlight the center of the room using a decorative pattern. It can be either strictly geometric or have a plot ornament.

    Along the perimeter there are stripes of strict geometric patterns. The large area of ​​​​the room intended for receiving guests will receive an aristocratic sound thanks to the use of the key ornament of Greek designers of antiquity: regular squares, broken using tiles of different sizes.

    Ceramic tiles have been successfully replaced with wooden floors. The rich surface of the noble material creates additional comfort and puts the finishing touches on the interior. The warm climate of Greece completely excludes lush carpets underfoot. You can emphasize the style inherent in Greece by placing several small rugs with a traditional design. Porcelain stoneware floors and marine-style laminate will give the room a modern shine - an excellent solution that emphasizes the Mediterranean direction.


    The lighting in the room should be plentiful. The apartment has large windows; blinds are used extremely rarely. Sometimes Roman blinds are used, but it is better to give preference to tulles made of light fabric.

    You should choose a stylized chandelier: with forging elements, in the form of a ball or hemisphere. Candle chandeliers in white and black colors look good.

    If the room area is small, then one lamp in the center of the ceiling will be enough for optimal lighting. For large rooms, in addition to the main source of artificial light, it makes sense to choose interesting sconces, floor lamps or single lamps for spot placement.

    A chandelier with candles is a popular option for Greek design.

    Furniture and materials

    Furnishing rooms in the Greek style is akin to the customs of Ancient Sparta. Simplicity of form and laconic design are the fundamental rules in choosing tables and chairs. Regular geometric surfaces made of natural materials, the complete absence of velvet and leather in the decor will enhance the impression of being on the Mediterranean coast. Antique tables had a trapezoid shape, three strong bent legs turned in different directions - a stable base for tabletops in a Greek room. Chairs with low straight backs, made of natural materials, will help to stylize.

    You need to remember: natural wicker furniture will negate the creation of an ancient Greek interior. The number of items should be minimal so as not to spoil the feeling of spaciousness characteristic of the natural style of Ancient Hellas. The facades of built-in wardrobes should not contain bright inserts; the presence of narrow vertically directed mirrors, on the contrary, will emphasize high ceilings and focus attention on the stylized finish. For relaxation, you can arrange a soft area, designed in the same color scheme.


    Arabesque, or Arabic ornament, is a complex combination of stylized floral and geometric elements. It attracts attention for a long time with its complex intricacy of lines. This elegant motif, traditional for Eastern culture, is ideal for creating an interior with a national flavor.

    In the photo: tiles from the Newker Alhambra collection recreate the interior of an oriental palace.

    In the photo: Arabic ornament in the collection of Spanish tiles CAS Layal.

    Arabesques do not always give ceramics a distinct national style. In different forms, this motif is present in many collections of ceramic tiles for the bathroom or living room in a modern style.

    In the photo: Azulev Capuccino porcelain tiles.

    Greek style decor

    Columns and pilasters are a necessary detail of the chosen interior. The elements will add an aristocratic gloss and enhance the feeling of spaciousness. In addition, the elements set the tone for the entire decor, the main task of which is to enhance the feeling of the height of the ceilings, thanks to the vertical orientation of the decorative structures. High ceilings suggest luxurious chandeliers, meander patterns will emphasize the height of the room. Columns mark the entrance and emphasize the size of the mirrors.

    Repetition of elements, symmetry ─ the basic rule of the style of the ancient Greeks.

    Symmetrically located figurines and antique vases will create “pomp and importance” - an axiom for creating room decor worthy of proud Hellenes. Small squares deny the very existence of Greek motifs. The color scheme of decorative details consists of cool natural shades. Yellow, gray, white tones are slightly “diluted” with splashes of red in the ornaments of frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Ancient Greece, tall amphorae painted with pictures of Olympic competitions.

    Marble and granite appeared in the culture of the Greek Empire with the arrival of the Romans, who used the natural nobility of these materials. Hellas abandoned the use of gilding, so beloved by the conquerors. Oriental splendor ─ one of the signs of Mediterranean dwellings, which came with the development of trade, denies an overabundance of small details; all decorative elements used must be harmoniously combined, the palette should be kept in natural shades.

    An important aspect of Greek decor is lighting. Textiles in the Mediterranean interior are used minimally. Open windows will make the colors, which are dull at first glance, sparkle in a special way, creating the impression of being at a seaside resort. The marine theme can be continued by using sea shells as decoration, placing them on the coffee table, in the recesses of small niches. Fabrics are used if it is necessary to drape small openings between windows. Vertical draperies in several layers will enhance the vertical direction of the interior.

    When creating a Greek interior, it is necessary to remember restraint, conciseness and functionality of every detail, which is responsible for overall harmony.

    When we talk about Greek style in interior design or clothing, we usually mean not modern Greece, but that period in the history of this state, which is called antiquity. Over the several thousand years of its existence, ancient Greek civilization did an incredible amount for the development of science and art. In Ancient Greece, culture and knowledge were given great importance. All modern science is based on the works of ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians. And the works of sculptors, architects and artists of Ancient Greece are still considered examples of classical art.

    The ancient Greeks, like no other people in the history of mankind, knew how to appreciate beauty. Beauty for them is harmony and order. The search for harmony, the desire to express the unity of form and content - this is what determined the development of ancient Greek art.

    Interest in the achievements of ancient Greek civilization was revived towards the end of the last millennium. It was reflected in the formation of such styles as classicism and baroque. The influence of ancient Greek culture was very strong not only on theater, literature and painting, but also on architecture and design. In modern interiors, Greek themes also remain popular. Today we will tell you about creating a Greek interior in the bathroom.

    Paisley, buta and Turkish cucumbers

    Another famous oriental motif is the "Turkish cucumber", a teardrop-shaped design with a curved, pointed end. It comes in many varieties and is also known as paisley and buta.

    In the photo: paisley pattern on Dual Gres Paisley tiles.

    In the photo: the “Turkish cucumbers” motif is present in decorative tiles and borders from the Peronda Treasure collection.

    Style Features

    Quite often, the Greek style is confused with the wealth and luxury of the Roman style in design. And this is natural, because these two civilizations are very closely related to each other and have many similar features. But they should not be identified: the Greek style is characterized by restraint and elegance, while the Roman style is more “pompous”.

    So, the main features of the interior in the Greek style:

    • spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows;
    • frequent use of columns;
    • the use of the national Greek ornament - meander loops as a decorative element;
    • stucco molding on ceilings, columns and other structures;
    • thematic frescoes on the walls;
    • pastel color palette;
    • minimum shine, including gilding;
    • surface finishing with tiles made of natural or artificial marble;
    • use of predominantly natural materials;
    • copies of works of art by masters of Ancient Greece as decorative elements.

    Finishing materials ↑

    The most popular today is the classic wall decoration, which uses white textured plaster Walls painted in a pastel tone will look no worse. The Greek style provides for the possibility of simulating white marble on the walls, which is achieved by using artificial stone or marble tiles . For additional decoration, you can purchase light wooden panels . To emphasize the light mood of the overall atmosphere of the interior, it is recommended to combine panels with stucco details. As decorations, you can choose beautiful frescoes depicting mythical scenes. The ceiling in the bathroom should be high. If it is not, you need to paint it to match the walls. In order to add a special zest to the interior, use painting in the form of Greek drawings.

    Well-chosen colors and decorative tiles with Greek patterns

    Rich decor will emphasize the wealth and marine motifs of sunny Greece

    And this style is more characteristic not of the typical idea of ​​Greece, but of the real embodiment of a Greek house

    To finish the floor, you need to choose ceramic tiles or light-colored wood. The tile must be large, and an interesting pattern is allowed.

    Wersal tile collection from Poland

    Border of the “Hermes” tile collection from “Jade-Ceramics”

    Element of floor tiles from the Versace collection from the Spanish brand ECOCERAMIC

    Who is it suitable for?

    Greek style is one of the classic trends in design. It can be called universal, since the calm and nobility of this style is suitable for decorating a wide variety of rooms and is liked by a variety of people. However, there are categories of people who will especially like the Greek interior:

    • Owners of spacious apartments in “Stalin” or new buildings, as well as those who live in country houses. In order for a Greek-style interior to look properly, large areas and high ceilings are required. Only in this case will the arched vaults and marble-clad columns look harmonious.
    • Connoisseurs of the classics. If you are far from modern culture, then you are unlikely to like the latest trends in apartment design (such as loft or fusion). In this case, the simplicity and harmony of the Greek style, in which there is nothing superfluous and every thing has its place, is exactly your option.

    Choosing colors and finishes in Greek style interior design

    Use natural color options. The most suitable ones here are: yellow, red, green, white, but sky blue - in general, is often taken as the basis for the basics in this style.

    Materials for finishing are exclusively natural, for example, stone, wood, metal.

    The walls can be painted white or any other light and neutral shade.

    You can also choose special plaster to create textures, or decorate the walls with appropriate patterns. Strict geometric designs are most appropriate in this case.

    The floors are finished with ceramic tiles.

    By the way, mosaic will also look great in a Greek interior.

    And for those who prefer carpets on the floor, keep in mind that there should not be too many of them here!

    To emphasize the antique style, decorate the ceiling with white/beige.

    The main task of the owner who decorates his home in Greek style is comfort and coziness. No luxury or pretentiousness!

    Color solutions

    Like any other room decorated in Greek style, the bathroom should be done in light colors. Since it is assumed that all surfaces in the room are lined with marble (even if in fact it is just an imitation of natural stone), white and similar tones will dominate in the interior: milky, cream, light beige, light lemon. A slight shade of blue is also allowed - after all, absolutely snow-white marble is practically never found in nature.

    If you want to add some bright colors to a classic Greek interior, you can bring it closer to a more modern version of the Greek design direction - the Mediterranean style. It involves the use of bright, saturated, but not provocative colors - turquoise, coral, yellow, olive, green.

    Greece is a country with an amazing history. She not only influenced the formation of the antique movement and contributed to the Mediterranean style, but also gave the world its own Greek style in the interior.


    Azulejos are traditional Portuguese tile paintings. Its distinctive features are the use of bright colors in a cold range and the smallest detail of elements. The subject of azulejo can be both ornaments and landscapes, images of flowers, fruits or birds.

    In the photo: tiles from the Imola ceramic Via Veneto collection, stylized as azulejo painting.

    In the photo: Vives Aranjues kitchen tiles reproduce painted Portuguese tiles.

    Features of the Greek style in the interior

    Famous designers are happy to use the Greek style to create harmonious and intuitive interiors. This aesthetically attractive and graceful direction has a deep and meaningful philosophy.

    Atmospheric interior design in Greek style

    Characteristic features of the Greek style in the interior

    The architects of Ancient Greece relied not only on the laws of physics and the principles of architecture, but also on the appearance of structures and the emotions they evoke. That is why interiors in the Greek style are very orderly and holistic. Their distinctive feature is a clear logic, which can be traced not only in the architecture, but also in the general design of the premises.

    Harmonious interior design in Greek style

    This direction, in contrast to the pompous Roman style, looks very neat and restrained. There is not a hint of excessive luxury or pretentiousness in it. Greek style looks best in spacious rooms. Large rooms combined with an open plan enhance the effect of freedom and volume. The focal point in an ancient Greek interior is the high ceiling, around which the rest of the design is built.

    Open plan - the hallmark of the Greek style

    Characteristic architectural elements of the Greek style are columns. They make it possible to raise the vaults even more, visually stretch the room vertically and give the interior a truly noble appearance. Neat columns and pilasters are perfect for visually adjusting rooms with insufficient ceiling heights. But beware of overly massive structures, as they hide the area and make the room smaller.

    Greek interior layout using arches and columns

    Greek style color scheme

    The Greek style is dominated by a natural palette of shades. Use exclusively white as the base color, mixing it with accent colors. This design visually expands the space, making the interior more spacious.

    Restrained colors of the Greek interior

    The combination of white and blue is one of the most popular in the Greek style. Natural shades of wood, straw, clay, and olive leaves are added to these colors. The famous Greek patterns - meanders - are used to decorate the interior. They are found everywhere: in decoration, as prints on furniture upholstery, carpets, decorative textiles and dishes.

    Fuchsia accents fit perfectly into the snow-white Greek interior

    Features of finishing in the Greek style

    When developing a project for a future interior, take into account the finishing features that are characteristic of the Greek style.

    Authentic interior design in Greek style

    Greek style walls

    If you are going to embody the Greek style in the interior, you will have to give up wallpaper. The surface of the walls is covered with ordinary plaster, preferably with a rough texture, which will emphasize the authenticity of this direction.


    Tall, drawing the eye upward, giving a feeling of boundless space and freedom. To add grandeur to the room, the ceiling can be supported by monumental columns decorated with stucco. If possible, install a square (round) window in the ceiling to add light to the room. The ceiling itself is finished with textured plaster, the tonality of which is in harmony with the color of the walls, but most often the color of the walls and ceiling is identical. At the same time, the ceiling always remains matte - this emphasizes the noble antiquity of the Greek style. Occasionally, meander patterns are applied to the ceiling. Almost always the ceiling is framed by a plinth made of artistic stucco.

    High ceilings in the Greek style interior emphasize the majesty of the era and create a feeling of sublimity

    Advice! Insufficient ceiling height can be compensated for by the vertical orientation of wall decor and interior details, which will create an illusory feeling of being directed upward, which will visually “raise” the ceiling level.

    A ceiling in the form of wooden beams painted white will be an excellent solution for kitchen design

    The heart of the ceiling is a massive chandelier hanging on gilded chains, and along the perimeter there are small lamps that highlight and highlight the beauty of the ceiling plinth.

    Meander is the main curl that reveals the style of Greece in modern interiors

    Interior decoration in Greek style

    Greek style is incredibly versatile. Thanks to stylized furniture and decorative items, this trend can fit into almost any modern interior.

    Cozy living room interior in Greek style

    Greek style furniture

    The main task in the process of interior design in the Greek style is not to overload the design. The minimalism of the furnishings is designed to maintain a feeling of spaciousness and freedom.

    Minimalist interior in Greek style

    Modern furniture in the Greek style looks very simple and laconic, while it is quite comfortable and functional. It is made of wood, complemented by cotton or linen upholstery.

    Modern living room interior in Greek style

    Greek-style furniture is never made from expensive materials. In this direction there is no place for brocade, silk, mahogany and rosewood. But unobtrusive products made from pine or oak will come in handy. The surface of wooden furniture is almost never painted, leaving the shade and texture of natural wood in its original form. A minimum of decoration is allowed, for example, forged overlays, carvings, artificial aging.

    Charming interior of a dining room in Greek style

    For a living room interior in a Greek style, it is worth purchasing a squat sofa, to which you can optionally add a couple of armchairs, a small buffet or wardrobe, or a coffee table made in somewhat primitive technology.

    Attractive living room design in Greek style

    A laconic wrought-iron or wooden bed with a simple headboard, decorated with a translucent canopy, would be appropriate in the bedroom. Since the Greek style strives for minimalism, you should not clutter the entire space with bedside tables and chests of drawers. It is best to replace them with open shelves.

    Conceptual design of a bedroom in Greek style

    A kitchen in the Greek style requires a simple kitchen set made of light wood, a roughly made dining group and antique-style plumbing fixtures. A minimal set of furniture in this room is the key to a correct understanding of the concept of direction.

    Neat kitchen in Greek style


    The color palette of the Greek style is airy and light. Conventionally, several primary colors can be distinguished in it: blue, blue, white, yellow, green, beige. A trained eye, seeing their predominance, will instantly draw a conclusion about the appropriate style.

    Let's see which specific shades will be useful to us. White can be either pure, luminous, or milky, creamy, the color of a sea shell, or ivory. Blue – azure, aquamarine, sea wave, cyan. Yellow – lemon, corn, diluted to cream. Green - lime, asparagus, wormwood, sometimes emerald green in combination with bright blue. Blue – ultramarine, steel, cornflower blue. All this is diluted with light shades of brown - from beige to chocolate, and occasionally black.

    Fabrics in the interior of ancient Greece

    Fabrics are used instead of doors and partitions, and to cover boxes, armchairs and decorate walls. Fragments of fabrics found in Crimea show that the patterns were woven on linen, sometimes embroidered or painted.

    The fabrics had not only patterns, but also mythological and historical subjects, which was the ancestor of Roman and medieval wall carpets.

    The Greeks distinguished between furniture fabrics and wall fabrics . Patterned fabrics were hung freely along the walls, without folds. They were often collected in beautiful waves.

    Initially, cloth and woolen fabrics were used. Coloring was done with natural dyes, which limited the number of possible colors.

    Favorite colors were green, saffron, gold, purple and crimson. The color purple was associated with royal power.

    "Living room"

    Residents of the Balkan Peninsula are considered very hospitable people, so the living room should be decorated with special care. This does not mean pretentious and pompous; the issue of convenience and simplicity always comes first. The main thing is that there is enough space to seat all the people stopping by, and the table should be large enough to serve a friendly dinner - a feature that is also characteristic of Italian-style interiors.

    • This idea is well illustrated by the following photograph - in the space of the room, the key role is played by cozy soft sofas and armchairs, covered with capes, rallied around a wide dining table and fireplace. The furniture at first glance seems simple, but at the same time, each item contains a certain zest. It is a little rough and squat, but it is also intended for direct use and not for decoration.

    • An abundance of decor is only possible if there is a large amount of free space. In general, balance is important for a Greek interior - the empty area should occupy at least half of the space, or even more. The room can be very densely packed - but only if there is a high ceiling. In other cases, it is better to use small accessories associated with the seascape - a few shells or pebbles.

    • As you may have already noticed, the power of Greek design lies in the play with textures. All decorative elements are made from natural materials and are therefore tactilely pleasant. In fabrics it is linen, canvas, cotton, burlap, wool, cloth. Tapestries and fabric embroideries are often used as paintings.

    • If the Romanesque style in the interior is characterized by heavy and majestic forms, then in the Greek you rarely see even elementary cornices. The Greeks prefer wooden shutters to any curtains, which are painted turquoise or azure - there is a belief that this scares away evil spirits. It is unlikely that this can be repeated in urban realities, but for a house outside the city it is a beautiful idea.


    You can recreate the antique atmosphere in the cooking room with the help of additional design moves. Professionals advise using the following decorative elements for Greek kitchens:

    • columns - if size allows, it is worth decorating the room with plasterboard structures in an antique style. In addition, these elements help to visually delimit the room into functional zones;
    • ethnic patterns on the ceiling, tiles and textiles;
    • indoor flowers - any variety of plants is suitable for Greek cuisine;
    • bottles of olive oil;
    • vases with dried wildflowers;
    • fireplace or its imitation;
    • moldings;
    • objects of art that have artistic value - still lifes, frescoes, figurines, caryatids, etc.

    Furniture, fabrics in the interior of Ancient Greece

    There were few pieces of furniture in the interior of ancient Greece. This limitation made it possible to give the existing items a special grace.

    The types of furniture were adopted from the ancient Egyptians or the Middle East , but the Greeks introduced a lot of new things and raised the art of decorating household items to a new level.

    for reclining while eating . Many pieces of furniture were intended for sitting.

    "Kitchen and dining room"

    Decorating a kitchen in the Greek spirit is very simple - manufacturers are inspired by this elegant style, and everyone can choose the right kitchen set, dishes and tiles. But you can do a lot yourself - the interior will only benefit from this. For example, paint simple wooden tables and chairs, sew curtains from patterned fabric, plant herbs on the windowsill that can be eaten.

    • Just two bright colors on a white background and an ornamental pattern can make a Greek interior as authentic as possible. To do this, use tiles or mosaics made in the same color scheme, and place accents using accessories - ceramic vases, dishes and a tablecloth with towels.

    • Natural stone or tiles imitating it are usually used as flooring. Here, finally, you can safely use darker colors - shades of terracotta, ocher and sepia. Covering the ceiling with wooden crossbars, as in the photo below, is a non-standard, but very effective solution that is suitable for country houses or apartments with high walls.

    Color palette

    To decorate rooms in this direction, soft pastel colors are used. As already mentioned, the main colors in Greek cuisine are white and blue. Rooms in which the percentage ratio of these two representatives of the spectrum is 1:1 look very stylish. Finishing methods with a predominance of light colors are possible. To create Greek cuisine, in addition to the options familiar to the eye, the following shades of white are used:

    • pearl;
    • ivory;
    • champagne;
    • ashen;
    • Ivory;
    • pearl;
    • lactic;
    • creamy, etc.

    The blue tone palette is also quite diverse. For Greek cuisines, the colors used are indigo, sea green, cobalt, cornflower blue, sky blue, and turquoise. It is desirable that the chosen shade looks slightly faded when exposed to bright sunlight. Classic olive is also considered a typically Greek color.

    The more spacious the room, the darker shades can be used to decorate it. Small kitchens need to be visually enhanced by using light colors. For a variety of inclusions, designers recommend using coffee, beige, lemon, orange, golden, and bronze tones. The last two are ideal for decorating items that imitate antique relics.

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